t w e n t y - t w o

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Double update thanks to LegathyRose

"Alya wants to meet you," Marinette laughed slightly as Adrien put the plate in the sink. They just had lunch and they were full.

"You told her about me?" Adrien was a little suprised.

"Well, we do tell each other everything, I-I'm sorry if you didn't..-" "Princess, it's okay." he placed his hands on her hips, spinning her around so she was facing him. "Let's meet your best friend,"

"She wants a double date today at six pm," Marinette sighed. "I have a feeling that she already planned everything out,"

Adrien chuckled as he moved away from her and started washing the dishes. "Hey, I'll do that,"

"Not a chance," he smirked as he splashed water at her. She laughed and shook her head. "Fine, then you do the dishes, while I'll go watch TV,"

"Anything for my princess," he laughed. She flopped down on the couch, turning on the TV.

He soon finished and sat down next to her, pulling the girl into his lap. She let out a suprised gasp, before relaxing.

It was around five pm when Marinette stood up from Adrien and saw he fell asleep. She smiled and took a picture of him, smirking.

For double date, Marinette chose a dress, she designed herself. It was a simple blue dress that reached her knees. She put on a black jacket and black shoes.

Around half past five, she woke up the sleepy boy. "You should get dressed, exept if you want to go in sweetpants and a top,"

He groaned and stood up, putting on his other clothes. He brought these with, because he hated being in jeans at home.

He may or may not already started concidering Marinette's apartment as home.

Adrien came out in black jeans, black shirt and black jacket. When he came out of the bathroom, Marinette looked at him from head to toes.

"No, we are not going with that," she said, making him look confused at her. "We are not going to a funeral,"

He looked weirdly behind her, when she disappeared in her room. Marinette returned back quite soon with something white in her hands. "I made this shirt a while ago, but I couldn't do anything with it, since it's male. I hope it's going to fit you, so go change,"

Adrien laughed, but obeyed nonetheless.

The shirt actually fit him like it was made for him.

"Woah, Mari, thank you," he smiled. He usually wore black if he went outside, but maybe a change wouldn't hurt.

Adrien took her hand into his as she locked the apartment door. "Let's go,"

He had no idea where they were going, but he went along with it. They went on foot, because it wasn't far from where they were.

"She might threaten you," Marinette laughed. "More than my parents,"

"They didn't do anything," Adrien said as they walked past a few people.

"She's gonna fill it in for them," she laughed.

"Scared already," Adrien sarcastically said.

"You should be," they arrived in the restaurant, seeing Alya and Nino in the corner as soon as they stepped in.

When the love birds saw them, Nino's eyes widened. This would be the first time he'd see his leader without a mask. And damn, the first thought that ran through his mind was 'I'd go gay for that dude'.

He shook it off right away as Alya started hugging Marinette, then looking sternly at the blonde boy.

Marinette saw the tension between Nino and Adrien, which was weird for her.

"Nino, untie her arms and legs," Chat Noir ordered and Bubbler obeyed.

Then it hit her. Nino was Bubbler and if nobody has seen Adrien without his mask, exept for Chloe, then this means this is the first time for them to meet like this.

Even though Adrien was looking at Alya, Marinette saw how he sent Nino the look 'tell someone and I'm going to cut you in half'.

"So, what's your name?" Alya looked like some pissed boss, hiring people.

"Adrien," the blonde man replied. Nino's eyes widened even more than before.

"Full name," Alya said. Adrien gulped, trying to think of solutions that moment. He could just say some random surname, right?

"Alya, stop," Marinette saved him. "You're going to scare him away,"

He mentally thanked Marinette for a save. "But..-" Alya wanted to protest, but Marinette cut her off. "No, I didn't question Nino, you will not question Adrien,"

All three of them laughed at Alya's pouting. "But I'm a reporter! I need to do some reserch!"

"No," Marinette angrily watched her every move. "If you try questioning him, no pastries for a month."

"Fine, ugh,"

Dinner went through without any complications. Four people laughed and had good time.

After it, Marinette dragged Nino away, making the other two suprised.

"So..-" she started, crossing her arms on her chest. "Bubbler then?"

Nino gulped as he heard those words. "H-How'd you find out?"

"When Evillustrator kidnapped me, Chat Noir said your real name," she shrugged. "I may or may not heard it,"

"Oh," he bit his lip.

"Also, treat Alya well or else..-" she threatened.

"Okay, okay! I'll be good!" they laughed as they walked back to other two. The last thing Marinette expected was to see them laughing at some stupid joke.

"Well, Mari, you found a good man," Alya tapped Adrien's shoulder, when she finally could breath again.

"Should we go?" they paid (they had an argument for a few minutes, who's gonna pay) and finally saying goodbye.

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