e p i l o g u e

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Okay, I'm sorry but this pissed me off. The fact that she changed him, yes it's forced I know. But put yourself for one minute in Marinette's postion! And don't think of a hot guy in a cat suit. Think if this happened in rl, would you be with a gang leader? I'm sorry, but if you didn't get it, he never wanted to be a gang leader!!! For those who haven't realized it, I explained it clearly in this chapter. So please stop being mean towards me for writing it. I have my own ideas and I'm gonna write it as I like it. Thank you.

"Tikki will take over your place as gang leader?" Marinette laughed and shook her head as they exited the safe house.

He nodded and bit his lip. "Thank you, Marinette," 

"For what?" she asked weirdly. 

"For everything," he smiled and took her hand, interwining their fingers. They walked slowly back to her apartment. "I can finally have a normal life, thanks to you,"

Marinette flopped onto her bed, groaning. "I just want to forget events from these past days," she petted Plagg, who hissed.

She realized the poor fella was starving.

"I am so sorry, Plagg," she kissed the top of his head and gave him cheese in his bowl.

"C'mon, let's go somewhere," he said, offering a hand for her to take. She sighed and nodded. 

"Where are we going?" she asked, when they sat in his car. 

"Somewhere special," he smirked. 

They drove for some time and she noticed, they went past his house. Now she was really curious. Where was he driving them?

They suddenly stopped at the middle of a forest. "You're not scared, are you?" Adrien teased and stepped out of the car.

She did the same and followed him, wherever he went. 

They soon stopped in front of a small lake, which was circled by trees, almost invisible to the outside world. "I found this place, when I had a fight with my foster father,"

"What happened?" she asked.

"He pushed me too hard. I broke my arm, but no matter how it hurt I didn't want him to help me," he sighed. "I ran and ran, and I found this," 

"It's beautiful," she smiled. "And so peaceful."

"Everytime I needed a break or wanted to be alone, I'd come here," he smiled at the memories. He always dreamed of how his real parents would look. Would they accept him if they knew what kind of monster he was and stuff like that. "I never wanted this. I -I guess destiny has other plans for me."

Adrien sat Marinette down on the grass, but he didn't take a seat next to her. He took out the mask and the ears.

Marinette curiously watched his every move. Adrien quickly looked at the black fabric in front of him, before closing his eyes.

He threw all of it in the lake. "I don't want to see that ever again,"

"You sure?" she asked. 

"That side of my life is done," he snorted and shook his head. 

"Oh," she smiled at him.

"Adrien?" he looked at her, before lying down in the grass.

He pulled her down onto him, smirking. "Yes, princess?"

She bit her lip, moving a little closer to him.

"I love you," she sighed. His smile couldn't get bigger. 

"I love you too, princess," he kissed her head. "Always,"



Jk it's not over yet. There's bonus, because I'm nice:)

Coming in a minute:)


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