Crazy Troubles

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***In the garage***

"Team! We got a case" Cabe yells as he strut into the garage with his files tucked under his arm. The garage door slamming shut behind him. Walter emerged from the loft followed by Paige who was hastily straightening her shirt and hair. She was trying her best to reduce the amount of redness in her cheeks. Happy and Toby got up from the table they were eating at. As Toby stood, he grunted as he attempted to rid his back of any stiffness, and they made their way to the table in the center of the main room. The place they usually go over their weekly cases. Sylvester on the other hand was already at his desk, doing who knows what on his computer. Ralph had been dropped off at school fairly early for a special project he was helping his teacher with. Who apparently didn't know what she was doing, as Ralph had claimed. So the whole team was up and ready to work.

"Let's get started." Cabe said with a clap of his his hands when the team was assembled before he launched into the debriefing.

***In the streets***

The sound of panting was only challenged by the sound of worn converse sneakers hitting the sidewalk as 12 year old Sage ran for her life. Her golden blond hair glinting in the morning sun like streamers from her hoodie but she couldn't stop to fix it. She'd never considered herself 'out of shape' but she was starting to have difficulty breathing. One quick glance back told her the two massive men chasing her hadn't missed a step. Part of her wondered how they could do it being as big as they were, while another part of her started frantically trying to come up with a plan. Puzzles were something she usually loved, but she wasn't loving this one. An idea formed as her dark brown eyes landed on a want-to-be something teen boy ahead of her. His backwards hat and sagging pants that showed off at least five inches of boxer made her inwardly grown in disgust, but he held a skateboard, that she knew she could use and didn't hesitate to rip it from his hands as she ran past.

"Hey" he yelled, as she ran passed and snatched it out of his hands rather forcefully.

"Sorry, it's an emergency" she yelled back. Throwing it to the ground, and jumping on. Kicking off a few times with her foot. She pushed and pushed against the ground with her beat up, black converse as she tried to gain speed, and overall gain the upper hand of the chase. The momentum soon built up before she was swerving into back alleys, easily losing the two men. This was her turf. This place she knew like the back of her hand,now she had the advantage.

She stopped the skateboard abruptly, then winced at the high pitched screech that resulted. She jumped off as soon as it was safe then rushed to an old worn and molded bench. It looked as if the wall it was leaning against was the only thing holding it up as as the tattered black awning above kept it in a thick shadow from the sun. She grabbed an old grey backpack lying beneath it, containing her belongings, before she went to retrieve the skateboard laying in the middle of the back alley, then she saw the two men from earlier round the corner. Their clothes were tattered, and their sleeves were torn to expose muscled and tattooed arms. She could tell that the effort they had put on catching up with her had put a toll on their energy.

"Crap, crap, crap" she groaned repeatedly. She kicked the skateboard, spinning it to face in the right direction before she hopped on, pushing off as hard as she could with her foot.

Suddenly a nice black Cadillac Escalde came out of nowhere and stopped preventing her from getting to the alley on the other side of the street. Time seemed to stop, as her mind rapidly came up with the angels and outcomes of multiple jumps, slides and landings.

"So about a 32% chance of success. Great." she whispered, sarcastically, closing her eyes, and preparing to jump over the hood of the stopped SUV.

***In the SUV***

"Cabe, Cabe!, CABE!,Go Go GO!!" Toby squealed from the backseat, screaming like a little girl and banging on the headrest in front of him. He could see the young girl riding full speed at the vehicle's large, black, hood.

"No, Don't! If she knows how to ride that thing she has about a 32% chance of making that jump. Which she probably won't, judging by her size and age. If we move up, that chance changes drastically to a .35% chance of success" Sylvester yelled from behind Cabe. Nervously gripping the doors handles, and closing his eyes. Waiting for impact, that he probably wouldn't even feel. Cabe listened to Sylvester in the split second he had to make a decision. He witnessed the small girl, close her eyes, crouch, grab the bottom of the skateboard and jump perfectly over the hood of the car. Like she's done it a million times before. And landing with a little jolt on the other side, causing her to tumble off the board and into the road.

They all watched and winced as she rolled across the hard concrete. Ripping the sleeve of her flannel, badly, and leaving a long, bloody scrape along her arm. She scowled at it, and pressed on the cut with her hand, with a little bit of the blood slipping through her fingers. Her ankle didn't feel all that right, and her knee had been mildly scraped, but she scrambled up off the ground anyway.. She gathered up her backpack in a hurry, and limped over to where the skateboard had skidded off, after her not so graceful landing. She didn't even pay any mind to them in the SUV as she took back off down the alley, while still cradling her left arm. Cabe let out his breath he had been holding and leaned back in the seat after she landed. Releasing his death grip on the poor steering wheel.

Towards the end of the alley they saw the two guys running in the same direction the girl had went. One yelling and pointing to her disappearing figure as she slipped into another alley. They squeezed around the SUV's front and chased after her. Yelling profanities, and things that didn't seem all too nice to be yelling at a girl that age.

"I'm getting out" Toby said quickly scrambling over the seats and people in front of him, causing a lot of grunts and scowls, then made his way to the door, and jumped out. Which turned out to be harder than he anticipated, especially when you're a grown man, crawling across other grown adults in a very tightly packed vehicle.

"Meet me at the corner of Prince and 1st!" he yelled, before slamming the door shut, and running behind the SUV, and back down a different alley. Happy and Sylvester watched out the back window as he ran down the street. Disappearing around a corner.

"What the heck is he doing?" Happy said, watching him run that ridiculous run of his. He was pretty fast for his age and build.

"Who knows," Cabe grumbles, pulling out of the alley and into the busy streets.

"The Doc's crazier than all of us"

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