One Heck Of a Day

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Chapter 27

"Don't bring Sage, drop her off at Walt's house, she can stay with Ralph. This will only stress out worry her more. And we don't need that right now" Cabe says,whispering into the phone.

As soon as Happy hears Cabe's announcement, she runs into Sage's room, with the phone still to her ear.

Toby's in the middle of telling Sage something, but she interrupts him. "Toby, we need to go now," she has a panicked expression on her face, which Toby seemed to notice. "We can drop Sage off at Walt and Paige's so she can stay with Ralph. But we need to go. Now!", after she's done, she runs back out the room, to throw some shoes on. Not even bothering to fix her hair, or clothes. Even though it was 7 in the evening, and she was pretty sure she was a mess.

Sage and Toby do the same, and they all rush out to the car. And Happy jumps into the drivers seat, while Toby and Sage get buckled in.

Toby seems to have a vague idea of what was going on, and eventually Sage figures it out too.

"Somethings wrong with Colby, isn't there" she says, a couple tears forming in her eyes.

"It's ok sweetie, he'll be fine" Happy tries to console her from the front seat.

"Yeah! And I want to see for myself. I'm going!" She insists. "And the only way your gonna stop me, is if you tie me to a chair, blindfolded, in the middle of the desert" she threatens. No more tears, just anger, and a scowl.

Happy digs in her pocket, and chucks her phone at Toby, who fumbles for a bit, then catches it safely in his hand.

"Text Cabe and tell him Sage is coming, because she threatened to burry us alive if she doesn't".

Toby doesn't say a word as he starts typing the response into Happy's phone.

While he's doing that, Happy looks through the rearview mirror, at Sage.

She has a scowl on her face, and she's tying up her wet hair into a messy ponytail, and tying a knot in the side of her t-shirt, so it doesn't hang on her like a dress. Allowing Happy's old black shorts to peek through.

When she's done making herself somewhat presentable, she huffs, crosses her arms, and leans all the way back into the seat of the car, while staring out the window.

Toby texted Cabe, and Cabe responded with 'I figured'.

So Happy, Toby, and Sage raced to the hospital.

They got weird looks as they ran in. Mostly because Sage was wearing an oversized, soft, t-shirt, that she still hadn't returned to Toby. And also because, both Toby and Happy were a mess as well, and they were only at the house for a few minutes.

"You know, if Sylvester were here, he would probably be telling us how low of a chance it was, that within the half hour we left, Colby had a seizure" Toby said, irritably, as he signed in, on the little paper at the front desk, that allowed them in to see Colby.

Sage didn't say anything, and Happy just nodded her head in agreement, and took the pen from Toby to write her own name.

"Let's go" Happy grabbed his hand, and pushed Sage with a hand on her back, through the doors, and to Colby's room.

Cabe was the only one there. Again. In the same seat they had left him in.

"Walter and Paige, are bringing Ralph too, and picking up Sylvester. They should be here in a few" Cabe said,  as soon as he heard the three of them shuffle into the room, without turning around to look at them.

Sage said nothing, as she walked up behind him, and wrapped her arms around his neck, and rested her chin on his shoulder. 

Cabe placed a hand on her arm wrapped around him. And barely smiled to himself.

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