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Chapter 29

Toby jumped up from his chair at the table, and ran to meet Cabe. He was pouring coffee from his travel mug, into a mug he got out from one of the cabinets. With a blank look on his face.

"What's the news". Toby asks, leaning his back against the counter, cradling his own coffee in his hands.

"Senator Jones is the one behind all these kidnappings. He has a ledger in his office, on his computer, that has the locations and names of the victims, and participants" Cabe places both hands flat on the counter, and hangs his head. Ignoring his coffee for a short moment.

Toby narrows his eyes at him. "You're not telling me something. What is it?"

Cabe sighs, and turns to look at him. "He says he knows more, but he refuses to speak until he talks to Sage"

Toby scowls and spins on his heels. Taking a seat again, and pushing the chair back, from his forceful land.

Cabe walks up behind him, and places a hand on his shoulder. "Son. He knows how to get into the office. He claims that he's been planing it for years. And he demands to talk to Sage. You can go in with her, but it needs to happen."

Toby sighs, and his tense shoulders fall. He stands up and walks into the view of the rest of the team.

As soon as Happy and Sage see him, they freeze and glance at each other with a playful grin. Happy removed the hat from her head, and tosses it like a frisbee to Sage. She catches it, with a jump, and plants it on her own head. Wrapping her arms around the top, to guard it, and hold it down.

She splits from the group, and runs to Toby, with a playful glint in her eyes.

Toby fakes a playful smile right back, and reaches out to grab her, as she tries to run past him.

He picks her up, and swings her over his shoulder.

She squeals in delight, as she hangs upside down, while he bounces her just a little.

"I think it's time I get my hat back don't your think" he says, jumping around the garage, with Sage hanging behind him.

Aidan and Ralph come to her rescue. Aidan latches himself to Toby's leg, to prevent him from moving, and Sage passes the hat off to Ralph behind Toby's back. And he takes off with it.

All three are in giggle fits, while Toby tries to run after him, with a 40 pound child strapped to his leg, and a 70 pound child over his shoulder.

"Get back here" he yells at Ralph. Then he turns to the rest of the team. "Are you gonna help a brother out or what?"

Walter rolls his eyes and stands up. Happy does the same. Paige just laughs, and Sylvester follows Walter. And Cabe just watched with a quizzical expression.

Sylvester tries to detach Aidan from Toby's leg, and is grunting in effort. And Aidan is just having the time of his life, while tightening his iron grip.

Walter decides to join in, and participate just for a little while. So he chased after Ralph, to stake out where he is, and relay the information back to Toby.

Happy helps Toby get Sage down from his back. He lets go, and she falls into Happy's arms.

She pouts up at her. "You're supposed to be on my side".

Happy smirks, and puts a finger to her lips while she helps Sage put her feet on the ground. "I am on your side. But I'm undercover, and you have to pretend so you don't blow it" Happy whispers, while Toby's back is still turned.

Sage puts a hand over her mouth for effect, and nods in understanding.

Toby turns around, with a goofy look on his face.

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