Walk Alongside Me Daddy

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"Serena! Where have you been?" Aidan was completely oblivious to everything around him. He didn't take note of Toby in the room or the others, and he didn't seem fazed by his living conditions. He was absolutely cheery, and his speech was not something you would expect from a child his age.

Toby watched the exchange with a confused frown, while Sage stood there with wide eyes. Her arms were stiff at her side, and her back straightened significantly, along with her legs. She had trouble willing any part of her to move. Her memories came flowing back. Now she remembered Aidan, her best friend, and the one she promised to keep safe for as long as she possibly could. She remembered all the other kids, and what Oscar would do for in secret when the mean man wasn’t watching. He would often sneak food into the room at night so everyone could get a proper meal, he would even make sure that all their wounds were taken good care of, even if he was the cause for them.

It only took Sage a minute before her mind was able to properly process the information. Things cleared and puzzle pieces fitted together almost perfectly. Things made sense now.

She wasn’t happy about what her thoughts had given her, but she was glad she knew everything that made her who she was. A wide grin split across her face and she rushed towards Aidan, enveloping him in a big hug. She was so happy to see him again, she remembered who he finally was, that empty space in her heart was finally filled. She knew what had been missing all that time. The young boy stood a foot shorter than Sage, and his health was far from good, but he was still alive and kicking.

Cabe poked his head in the room and called out to Toby who was still carefully watching the two.

"Toby! Homeland agents are on their way to retrieve the kids, look around a bit, and see what you find," Cabe said.

He nodded his agreement and left Sage with Aidan and the other small kids that had started to gather around the two of them. They seemed much more interested in Sage than they had been with him. He carefully stepped over the scattered books and papers. He picked a thick, binded book off the floor and gazed at the title. ‘Lost Masterpieces of the Twentieth Century’. It was definitely an odd book for a young child to be reading. He quickly flipped through the many chapters with wide eyes, it was such a complex read. Something near to what he read on a regular basis.

He put the book back on the ground and looked around at the others that were carelessly lying open on the stone floor. There was one about Brain Development and diseases, along with a thick book about lost algorithms. Others had helpful pictures, some did not. It was difficult to believe that any of the children there were capable of reading books such as those.

He turned his gaze away from the books and directed it to the heavy metal door on the other side of the room. It was most definitely locked and he was almost positive that it was the door which led to the children lying in the beds that Sage had described.

Then he turned his attention to another door in the far corner of the room. It was hidden by the shadows, the overhead lights didn’t quite make it far enough to illuminate the corner. He couldn’t determine where it led to, or what the use could have possibly been for. All he knew was that it was definitely unfriendly and not something he should mess with. He turned away momentarily, but then he heard the sound of someone working at the door knob. His eyes widened as he watched the knob slowly rotate to the right. He didn’t waste any time in snatching Sage up in his arms and running to the exit. He could hear the moaning of the door opening as he rounded the corner.

He made it before the door had completely opened. He was met with the curious stares of Cabe Walter and Happy. She had apparently snuck into the building while he and Sage were in the room, but he didn’t have any time to discuss it. They had more important matters at hand. He set Sage to her feet and spun around to look back in the room. Aidan was still standing in the middle of the dark space, watching them with a confused stare, before turning his attention to the two men entering the room.

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