Let's Roleplay

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Chapter 4

Toby drove to Palms Middle School with the radio blaring full blast as he sang to an old rock song, theatrically. He took his precious time getting there, as the team worked to pull more information on Sage and how she knew and found out about Caleb and all his illegal business plans.

"This is ridiculous," Sylvester sighs, "her records come to a complete dead end. There is history about her before her fifth birthday besides her birth certificate, which doesn't look all that real either, it's like she never even existed. For all we know Toby, Sage could be working for Caleb, I don't like this." he mutters over the comms.

"Cool it Sly," Toby answers, "I read her, there's nothing we need to worry about. She's just a kid with an... odd lifestyle." It doesn't seem to calm anyones nerves, but they keep quiet anyway as they continue to search.

He pulled into the guest parking area and turned off the car. Placing his hat on his head, then pushing his keys and phone into his pocket before exiting.

"Toby, at least try to be polite, we don't need anymore added trouble today" Paige lectured, over the comms.

"I got this Paige, chill" he says.

"Don't say chill," Happy commented, "you're supposed to be a lame dad."

"I am not lame, "he insisted, "and for your information, I would be an awesome dad" he grumbled. He pulled open the glass door to the school's front office and walked in, right up to the front desk, laying his hat on the counter then silently looking around the plain office.

The old lady behind the desk stared emotionlessly at the computer in front of her, with a mug of coffee at her lips. Toby cleared his throat to get her attention, which kind of worked.

"What do you want?" She snapped, while continuing her blank stare at the monitor. Moving the mouse very slowly around the tabletop.

"Uh, I'm here to pick up Sage Reeves for a doctor's appointment" he answered casually, leaning his elbows up against the counter and playing with one of the pens lying next to a clipboard.

At the mention of Sage's name, the woman behind the desk smiled and stood up to face him properly, her whole demeanor changing instantly.

"You're her father?" She asked, with a proud grin.

Toby nodded.

"Well you have raised an absolutely wonderful girl!" She exclaims, gathering papers and placing them neatly in front of him. He handed her the fake ID Happy had cooked up and began to fill out the papers with his messy 'Doctor Handwriting' as Happy called it.

It only took a few seconds, only asking for names and dates, along with a few phone numbers and personal information. Sylvester was there over the comms to help fill in the right information when he needed. The woman handed back the ID and used the computer to email Sage's teacher, to tell her to walk her up to the office for checkout. Toby could hear the team discussing the case as he sat down in a chair next to the door, waiting for his "daughter" to come out, so they could head back to the garage.

***With Sage***

Sage was in Biology class, listening to the teacher talk on and on about genetics and animals, and how diversity in gene frequencies can refer to differences between individuals and why genetic variation being formed through mutations and sexual reproduction is so important to society and the environment. Those were all things she was already pretty familiar with. Honestly, she had no desire in knowing and learning about it again, reading books multiple books about it is enough for her.

She was more interested with things that actually messed with your head and gave you a headache just trying to fathom what it might mean or how it might work. Just the one or many thoughts could occupy her busy mind for days, she already knew all the other boring stuff. It caused her frequent daydreams during class. She never could pay attention, her mind always wandered during these boring lectures.

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