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Chapter 28

The next morning Toby is the first one up. And the only reason for that was because he went to sleep earlier than he usually did.

He's actually calculated his sleep schedule before, and he wakes up after exactly 9 hours of sleep. Which is normal for most people.

So he was up at 6 in the morning, which definitely isn't his usual time getting up.

When he woke, he was surprised to see Happy still laying there, fully asleep, and snoring softly.

Her hair was a mess, and her face was calm, and stress free. This was a sight he's never able to see in the morning. So he propped his head with his hand and elbow, and watched her sleep for a while.

"I should stop reading those dumb books till midnight, and just go straight to sleep" he whispered to himself, while he admired Happy's sleeping figure, and ran a hand through her messy hair.

She started to shiver and stir, so he pulled her closer to him, and wrapped an arm carefully around her torso. Placing a hand on her flat stomach, before he started whispering again.

"Hi baby. I'm really excited to meet you, and I'm sure mommy is too. Your big sister Sage will teach you so many things, and I promise to make sure that you will have the best life, out of everyone we know."

He layed his head down on the pillow while he talked for a while. Talking about his day, and recent events. Just like he did 12 years ago, when Hazel was pregnant with Sage.

What he didn't notice right away, was the fact that Happy was awake, and listening to every word, silently. Trying to regulate her breathing, so Toby wouldn't notice she was awake.

The way he talked to the baby, made her smile. 'Of course he's going to be the cheesy one' she though to herself.

She moved her hands up, so they were rested on top of Toby's, over her belly.

Toby's eyes widened, and he sat up a bit to look around at Happy's face. "Your awake?"

"Only for a minute or two" Happy sighed, closing her eyes, and leaning back into Toby's bare chest.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up" he said, resting his chin on the top of her head.

"You did, but I don't mind. I think it's kind of cute" she replied, with a smirk.

Toby ignored it, which was very unlike him. "Do you want me to make you some coffee" he asked, ready to jump out of bed at her command.

"No, that sounds terrible. Why does that sound so terrible. I love coffee." Happy's face scrunched up in disgust, and confusion.

Toby laughs, while he buries his face into her hair. "I should've known, but it's because of the baby... Would you like me to get you some tea instead" he asked.

"Yeah that sounds better, but I can get it" she started moving the sheets so she could get out of bed, but Toby jumped on her, pinning her down. "But I wanna get it" he whined.

"Why?" Happy laughed, "it's just tea."

"Yes, but you're carrying my baby, and you deserve only the best. Nothing less" he said, nuzzling her neck.

"This isn't how you treated Hazel is it" Happy said. And she would have crossed her arms if they weren't pinned to her sides.

"No. I didn't love Hazel, and I love you. And I want to get you some tea, and maybe make some pancakes" his eyes were begging for approval. Using the puppy dog eyes, that Sage had definitely inherited from him.

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