Celebrate This Time - Come On!

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Chapter 34

Sage ran into the room, and right next to Colby's bed as soon as she stepped into the room. Grabbing his hand, while he gave a small, reassuring, but weak smile.

Happy and Toby smile while watching the interaction, and Cabe gives a tired grin.

Ralph comes running in next a few seconds later, out of his breath, and his face a bit red from the strain on his lungs and legs.

Toby looks over at him, leaning against the doorway for a minute, to catch his breath.

"Hey Ralph, where's your mom and Walt?" He asks, taking a step closer to the door, to peer around the corner.

Aidan was running down the hallway, dodging doctors and nurses, while they carried unsteady trays, and yelling at him to stop running. While Ray chases after him calling his name, to try and get him to slow down.

Sylvester isn't too far behind, but still very behind. His loud breaths and gasps for air, could almost be heard by Toby at the other end of the hall.

They're a few feet from the doorway, when Toby sees Paige and Walter emerge from around the corner. Paige was helping Walter walk, and trying to support his weight, while he leaned on her shoulder, and clumsily Wales down the halls.

Toby let Ralph, Ray and Aidan inside the room. While he rushed down the hall, past Sylvester, to help Paige with Walter.

She shrugged Walter off onto Toby, and gave him a grateful, tired, smile, before running off after the kids. To most likely scold them for being that disruptive and careless in a hospital.

"How're you feeling Walt. You look like you're in more pain than usual" Toby says, noting the winces every time Walter steps on his injured foot. It's a bit more than he should be feeling in this stage of his recovery.

"I'm fine. I just hit it wrong while Paige drove us all here. I have more of a chance injuring myself in that can, than I do in anyone else's car." Walter says, putting more of his weight on Toby, and grunting from the pain.

"How's Colby doing?" He asks when they're a few feet from the door, and after a few moments of awkward silence.

Something he wasn't used to when being around Toby. He would usually talk his ears off, and make Walter want to stab him right then and there. But he seemed a bit distracted and out of it.

"He looks like he's doing just fine, to me" Toby says, grunting while trying to open the door to the room with one arm, and holding up Walter with the other.

When they step inside, things are a lot more chaotic than when he left.

Not a loud or obnoxious chaotic, but more of a quiet and emotional chaotic.

Colby's passed out on the bed, with his mouth wide open, from all the drugs the doctors gave him to calm him down. Sage is hugging Ralph, and hiding her face in his jacket, and where she can't see Colby laying on the bed. Blocking herself from her fears, and reality. Ralph has his arms wrapped around her, and looks worriedly at the cot, then behind him at his mother.

Happy and Cabe are sitting in the same spot, while Sylvester plays with his hands nervously.

Ray is confused, along with Aidan, who doesn't seem to understand what all the sadness is about. And Paige is trying her hardest not to cry, while looking between Colby, and her son comforting Sage.

Toby helps Walter to an empty chair, and helps him sit down. Once that's done, he walks up to the side of the bed, to check on Colby's vitals. He reads the machines, and his IV bag, repeatedly, to make sure he doesn't miss anything.

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