It's Not Easy to Earn It

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Ralph and Sage hear Paige's shout of excitement from the kitchen, along with everybody else in the garage.

"What's going on?" Walter shouts frantically, running down the stairs after hearing Paige’s outburst from the loft. Sylvester, Cabe, Sage and Ralph make their way to Toby's desk in a hurry to check out what all the commotion was about.

"You didn't even hear the announcement did you?" Happy asked all of them with an annoyed sigh.

"Uh… no I didn’t," Walter answers truthfully with a shake of his head.

"We’re all going shopping to buy Sage some stuff while she stays with us," Toby announces again, grabbing his hat and his jacket hanging on the back of his chair.

"No. The hat stays here," Happy says, grabbing the hat off his head and dropping it in one of his drawers then hitting it shut with her hip.

"We're shopping for me?" Sage asked, raising her eyebrows in suspicion

"Yes. And we're all going to pitch in some money to get you some things you need," Paige says, bouncing in excitement. "Ooh, this is going to be so fun".

"You don't have to. I have another flannel and pair of jeans in my bag," Sage said, pointing over to her tattered backpack she left on the table in the kitchen.

"She said she doesn't need anything. So I'll just go back to my research" Walter said, attempting to climb back up to the loft, but Paige caught his arm, spinning him back around towards the group.

"We are ALL going to go shopping to buy Sage some stuff. Got it." Paige said, eyeing everyone individually. She could be scary when she wanted to be and right now she was scary, so everyone nodded vigorously while voicing their agreements.

"Okay. Um, I was able to get another van from Cooper. We can all ride in that, let’s just try not to blow it up this time," Cabe sighed after recovering from Paige's harsh invite.

"Perfect. Come on," Paige said, reverting back into her happy and excited persona. Beating everyone to the garage door and dragging both her son and Sage behind her.

***In the Van***

Toby rode shotgun while Cabe drove the new van. He said he had to stop by and pick up something before heading off to the mall, so he sat in front to give Cabe directions. The rest of the team were in the back of the new van. Nobody was crammed together in the seats, there was almost enough room to walk around in it, an exact replica of their first one, that they had trashed terribly without even owning it for six months.

"So, what do you need?" Paige asked Sage, pulling out a notepad and pen from her purse.

"I don't NEED anything," Sage answered with a small smirk and a shrug of her shoulders.

"Kid, listen,” Happy says, butting into the conversation, “We are offering to buy you things. Nobody else is going to do that for you so stop trying to act all generous and crap and tell Paige what you need.”

Sage nodded, listing off some things she thinks she might need in the months ahead. New flannels and undershirts, jeans, shoes and a backpack are the only things she listed. Things she would be able to carry in her backpack once she got the opportunity to ditch the team and be on her own merry way. She didn’t want anything that would weigh her down while she was running from whoever would decide to chase after her in the future.

After she stayed silent for a minute or two, Paige looked up at her. She realized there was nothing else Sage seemed to want, so she started writing her own things down to buy Sage, things that every child or girl, in her opinion, should have.

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