The New Office

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Chapter 31

The next day at the garage, things are a little less hectic.

Happy's still a little stressed out about the money thing, but hiding it quite well in front of the team.

Walter is being held against his will by Sage and Ralph. Or so he says. Playing their new giant Jenga game. He claims he doesn't want to play, but everyone knows he loves it.

Especially judging by the way he's smiling and laughing while the tower tumbles down on top of them, and they have to rebuild it. He seemed like a happy little kid, content with playing giant Jenga with his friends.

Cabe just got back from the hospital, checking up on Colby.

Toby is packing up his satchel, getting ready to head out to his office soon. He had made a lot more calls and appointments this morning while he was at the garage. And he hasn't cleared it over with Walter yet. He was planning on a last minute kind of thing.

And Sylvester is preparing Aidan to head out with Toby and Sage in a little while.

"You have your first aid kit?" Aidan nods. "Your hand sanitizer?" He nods again. "And you have your medicine?" He nods his head vigorously up and down. With a grin.

"Okay. Good. Now remember, do not touch anything dirty, or dangerous. And listen to Toby and Sage." Sylvester instructs, fixing the collar on Aidan's black flannel he had got from Sage, "and if there are any dogs, or other animals, don't touch them. But if you do. Wash your hands for at least two minutes". Aidan continuously nods, almost like he's a bobble head.

Toby threw his bag across his shoulder, and rolled his eyes at Sylvester's antics.

"He'll be fine Sly. I'm a responsible adult" Toby says.

Sylvester gives him a look. "Sage is more responsible than you"

Toby fakes a hurt expression. "Ouch. That hit me right here" he places his hand dramatically, over his heart.

Sylvester rolled his eyes, and turned back to his computer.

Aidan spins, and jumps on the balls of his feet. His backpack bouncing along with him.

"Ready to go kid?" Toby asks, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He nods again, and holds onto the straps of his backpack while he spins in a circle. Throwing Toby's hand off his shoulder in the process.

Toby retracts his hand, and calls out for Sage, "Sage! Come on we're leaving!" He yells, pushing a bouncy Aidan along, and towards the door.

Walter turns from the giant game, while Sage runs behind Happy's desk, to retrieve her backpack.

"Where are you going?" He interrogates. Placing his hands in his pockets, and lowers his head just a bit as he walks towards Toby, in front of Happy's desk.

"To work. I've had to take up another job to get some more money. We're moving soon" he said, shooing Sage over to the door with Aidan.

"Why are you taking them with you" Walter nods his head to Aidan and Sage.

Toby sighs. "I'm giving them a few sessions, because of everything that's going on, lately. And to hopefully get rid of their nightmares"

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