The Wedding Bells Are Ringing

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Chapter 39

Let's just say that the vacation plan was anything but a success. A couple nights before the wedding, May had slipped into one of her well known depressive states, leaving Milo with the responsibility of watching her to make sure she didn't try anything before her daughter's special day. Marcus had passed out in his recliner with beer bottles scattered around the stained carpet that same morning, and Toby's cousins, aunts and uncles weren't any better. Sure they were glad to see him, but it seemed that terrorizing him was the only form affection they could give. Late night poker games for the first few night's, led to a nasty turn of events. Leaving Marcus and his buddies speechless, along with the other addicts in the family. It's safe to say, that they didn't take the news very well.


"What do ya mean you don't gamble anymore?!" Marcus bellowed, standing from his seat with such force, his chair falls to the ground with a loud clatter, "that's the only think in this world that you were darn good at!! The one thing that made you my son, and you go and tell me you've done and quit!" He continues his rant a while longer. Throwing insult after insult, along with many curse words he'd rather not repeat. While his cousins sit around the table with disappointed frowns, and half smoked cigars hanging out the sides of their mouths.

"You go off n’ get your darn degree, and all of a sudden you're too good for any of us?! Is that what you're saying boy? Mr. Harvard is making so much money now, he feels he doesn't need us anymore, leaving us in the dust, forgetting we even exist," his uncle spat, standing up beside his father.

The frown on Toby's face grew deeper, probably leaving permanent indents in his cheeks, as he stood a ways away from the kitchen table covered in poker chips, and crumpled bills piled in the center. He absorbed the hatred, and insults, as his drunk family berated him, and his life decisions. Nothing he wasn’t used to.

This led to them packing up their things and leaving the house. Heading out a ways towards the nearest hotel to stay at, while Toby tried his best to regain control of his haywire emotions.

Sage was in the lobby, doing something she probably shouldn't have been doing. Leaving both Happy and Toby alone in the hotel room. He was standing at the window, looking out at the scenery he had learned like the back of his hand as a child. He remembered the days he’d grab his bike and just ride around town for hours just to escape the mess at home. Happy walked up behind him, with an apprehensive smile.

"Hey Doc? You okay?" She asks, wrapping her arm around his waist and leaning into his side when he rests his own across her shoulders.

"I'm fine sweet pea. Just thinking" he says, with such little enthusiasm Happy begins to worry. Even when he was upset he was still open about what he was feeling, and Happy was beginning to feel helpless with how little she knew on how to help him, so she tries a distraction.

"What do you think of the name Riley?" She asks, tilting her head up to see his reaction. She watches as a wide grin forms on his face, and he looks down at her. Leaning in to press a lingering kiss to her forehead.

"I love it. Perfect for a little boy or girl" he says, resting his forehead against hers, and moving his arm down to wrap around her waist and pull her closer to him.

"We still have a lot more names to consider, but that's been one of my favorites so-" he cuts her off with a kiss. Smiling so widely he's barely able to do it properly.

"You need to stop talking Hap. That's my job" he chuckles, pulling away to look down at her, and grazing his thumb against the skin beneath her shirt.

"I know" she sighs, resting her head against his chest, "you're just being really quiet is all." Toby nods his agreement, and turns to look back out the window.

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