New Places to Call Home

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"You ready to go kid?" Happy asks, grabbing Toby's hat and jacket from his desk for him then glancing over at Sage laying her head down on the dark wood.

"Yep," she sighed, jumping up from the chair and stretching out her back for a quick second before walking over to the couch to grab her backpack and hoodie that she had discarded not too long ago. She shoved her notebook and dull pencil inside and following Happy out of the garage.

Toby was waiting patiently in the passenger seat of his car as he waited for both Happy and Sage. He looked proudly up at them with a grin as they approached the beat to crap vehicle.

"I fixed it all by myself guys."

Sage eyed the car with an unsure expression and raised her eyebrows.

"I think it may need a bit more work," she purses her lips and nods her head.

Happy laughs so hard she almost missed when she threw Toby's things at him through the window. When she calmed down a bit she climbed into the drivers side and adjusted the seat so she could actually reach the pedals without a big struggle. Sage climbed into the very back, as Happy situated herself in the driver's seat, next to a pouting Toby. 'He seems to do that a lot' Sage thinks as he moved the things Happy threw at him away from his face and laying them down so they rested neatly in his lap. The two of them discussed the day's events with the radio playing softly in the background as they drove to their apartment whlie Sage just stared out the window. There was still a little light shining throught the bunch of evening clouds resting at the horizon, the tinged glow iluminating the side of her face and the few strands of blonde hair that had fallen in her eyes. The street lights were just beginning to flicker on as the sun got closer and closer to dissapearing behind the ocean of massive buildings. She's never seen a real sunset before, but that was definitely on her list of things to do when she got the opportunity to get out of the hell-hole that everyoone reffered to as Los Angeles. She just needed a little time to come up with a suitable escape plan to get her the heck away from this place, because if she didn't Team Scorpion was sure to find her again, and she was going to do everythig in her ability to prevent that from happening.

Not long into the drive she eventually fell asleep from all the commotion she had experienced that day, with her cheek resting against her hand. She wakes up to Toby shaking her shoulder gently, standing over her with a kind smile. She groaned and opened her eyes with an annoyed frown.

"Hey sleepy head, we're here," he says, helping her out of the car, "let's get you all ready for bed."

Happy had taken all their stuff up to the apartment, while Toby took care of waking up the young girl in their backseat. Sage woke herself the rest of the way up and followed Toby to the stairs that led to the place she would be staying for the night, or maybe the next few nights depending on how long it took her to devise a plan to ditch them.

Happy was already inside tidying a few things up that were still strewn around from their morning rush. There were several boxes scattered around the small apartment, along with papers, tools, and books. There really should have been more bookcases with the amount of books stacked in the corners.

"Would you like to shower in the morning or tonight?" Toby asks, locking the front door behind him.

"Uh, tonight if that's okay," she says, covering her mouth with her hand as she yawned.

"Alrighty then."

He leads her to the master bedroom, which was just as messy as the rest of the house, maybe more so with the boxes of clothes strewn about.

"Hey Hap? Do you have any sweatpants that would fit Sage?" he called, digging through the dresser drawer as he searched for anything that might fit her small frame, making an even bigger mess in the process.

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