Some Things we Can't Forget

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It had only been a week and the team was already working another case in Canada, tracking down some dangerous smugglers. Of all places. They recognized the names when they received the case files, the group had apparently been mentioned in Sage's book. There wasn't much information on them and Sage claimed she hadn't known much either, so they had to go back to the basics. They spent a few hours at the garage finding their whereabouts and what they could have been planning. Sage was able to pick out certain information she had overheard in the past, reviving old memories and resulting in useful information for the team to use.

They packed their bags to get ready for the trip but not before giving the two younger geniuses strict instruction to listen to their sitter. They headed out the next morning and weren't scheduled to get back until later the next day, after the kids got out of school.

They had finished the case, but not without a few minor hiccups leading to someone on the team facing what seemed to be an inevitable death. Like always though, Team Scorpion was able to swoop in and do the impossible.

Toby had gone in undercover as a smuggler, interested in transporting a few drugs and weapons to the states. One thing led to another and his cover was blown, which eventually resulted in him being held at gunpoint. Thankfully Cabe swooped in at the last minute with their backup and knocked the guy out before he could blow off Toby's head.

Now the team was heading home, and both Sage and Ralph were extremely bored with waiting for them to return. The team hadn't even put them on comms while they were gone and they hadn't bothered to keep in contact either. They didn't know when they were going to be back or if they were even okay. It was all just a big guessing game for the two of them.

Sage was laying upside down on the couch with her head hanging off the cushion and her feet kicked up over the headrest. She had forgot her sketchbook at the apartment, and Toby didn't leave a spare key for her to use. So there was almost nothing she could do at the moment to catch her interests.

"I'm so bored," Sage groaned loudly.

"Yep, me too," Ralph agreed, sitting upright beside her. Eating the chips and pretzels the team had bought for them to snack on after school, "but think about it. After a couple more weeks of school, we get the summer off."

"Yes! I can't wait, I hate school. Do you think the team will take us on one of the cases this summer?" Sage asked, looking over at him.

"It depends," he shrugs, pushing another chip into his mouth.

"On what?" Sage's eyebrows lower in curiosity.

"I don't know, I just know it depends on something. There's always some excuse for why I can't go, and I never get to go with them. It's been two years," Ralph complained, "and whenever I ask Walter or my mom if I can help on the next case, they always say 'it depends', but I have yet to figure out what the depending factor is".

"Well they better let me help with my case. Cause I'm gonna be real upset if they don't," Sage grunts, crossing her arms over her chest in annoyance.

"What do you mean?" Ralph asked cocking his head at her, as Sage sat back upright to look at him.

"I'm ready to tell you guys what happened to me, not all at once though. I'll probably just tell Toby and let him explain it to everyone else," she smiled at him when she saw his giddy expression. Ralph was ecstatic. He jumped up off the couch and tackled Sage in a big hug.

"Yes! How about I beat your butt in some video games while we wait for the team to get back" Ralph suggests with a wide grin.

The corner of Sage's mouth quirked up into her competitive smirk and they both race to the loft, where Walter let Ralph set up some video games on his TV.

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