Freak Out

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Chapter 26

"Your-your what!?!" Toby practically yells, shuffling off the bed, with wide eyes.

Which was pretty difficult, considering that Happy was sitting on top of him.

Happy shushed him, before he started yelling again, and woke up the entire building. "Calm down". She climbed off the bed, and stood in front of him.

He grabbed her shoulders, and looked her in the eyes. Fear and excitement were staring back at her.

"You're really pregnant" he asked, as if he was scared that she'd hit him if he asked again.

"Yes, that's what I said". When she made the announcement the first time, Happy was grinning, but now she was starting to worry, because of Toby's reaction.

"How long have you known" he asked, not letting go of her shoulders. He only squeezed them tighter.

"Only a week. I wanted to wait until all of this drama with Sage was over" she replied, with a shrug of her shoulders, looking down at her feet.

Toby ran a hand through his already tousled hair, and turned his back to her. Making Happy frown. 

"Do you not want it?" She asked

Toby turned back around, and shook his head. "Of course I want it...its just that I'm scared...because of last time" he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Do-do you want it?"

He seemed a bit panicky. Almost like he was hyperventilating. So Happy tried her best to calm him down.

She gave a small smile and nodded, before taking a big step so she was standing directly in front of him. She wrapped her arms around his middle, and settled her chin on his chest, so she was looking up at him. "You know Sage does the same thing as you". Happy said, referring to Toby nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

That comment made him smile, "well, it's a common thing that people do when they're nervous. It doesn't really mean anything".

"Of course it doesn't" she said sarcastically. "But tell me the whole story. Let me be the shrink for once. I want to know what happened, and why it's making you so nervous"

Toby went back to rubbing his neck. "I don't know Hap, this isn't really something I talk about a lot"

Happy rolled her eyes, and dragged him over to the bed, forcing him to sit down.

"Well, this is payback for forcing me to talk all those time" she said, sitting down next to him, and wrapping an arm around his back. Then leaning into him.

Toby grunted, and moved so his and Happy's back was resting against the headboard.

"Alright fine...When I found out about Hazel being pregnant, I was ecstatic, but she wasn't. She was actually upset that I wanted her to keep the baby. Things were already going downhill with us, but adding a baby to the picture sort of made things worse...

...She went behind my back and went to see a doctor to get an abortion, but found out that if she did get an abortion, it would be fatal, and there was a high chance of death. When she told me, I was beyond angry. But she decided that she would have the baby, but would put it up for adoption right away...

...I argued with her for days about it, saying that I would take the baby for her, and that I'd leave, just like she wanted. But she wouldn't let me...

...So I stuck with her throughout the pregnancy, helping her through it. I planned to take the baby, no matter what anybody said, because I knew what it was like to grow up wondering if your parents actually loved you. And I always wanted to have a kid, so things sort of worked out. I never told her about my plan, I just kept it a secret, and on the day the baby was born, I'd just disappear" Toby started to breathe heavy while he talked. He wasn't crying, he didn't like to cry. But this experience was just something that really upset him. And brought back a lot of bad memories.

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