Chapter 17

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*Shawn's pov*

We're still at Brandy's house and it's getting boring over here.
When Cameron hugged Ashley, I just wanted to say something to get everyone outside. I honestly don't like Nick or Brandy. They get on my nerves. They're all over each other every time we see them and it's awkward to watch. No one was talking right now so I spoke up.

"So what do y'all want to do now?" I asked everyone.

"We should go play volleyball at Ashley's." Brandy spoke up.

"Ok. Oh and we should invite Ross and Lizzy too." Ashley told us.

I looked around the room and saw Brandy roll her eyes at their names being called out. She shouldn't do that. Lizzy and Ross are good friends of mine.

"Yeah good idea Ash" I said.

We walked out and I intertwined my fingers with Ashley's. We got to her house and I grabbed the volleyball off the porch and I walked back to the grass. Ross and Lizzy walked over.

"Girls against boys!" I yell.

"We are going to take y'all down guys." Rose snapped at me.

"I would like to see y'all try." I looked straight at Rose when I said that.

"I done this longer than you have Shawn." Ashley fired at me.

"BURN!" The boys yelled.

"Ooh!" The girls yelled at me.

"Shut up guys." I glared at Ashley.

"I'll make you shut up!" Ashley fired at me again.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Lets get to the game already!" Nick yelled

"I agree come on guys and girls. Lets do this thing." Brandy yelled also.

I throw the ball and the game started. Who's ever team gets to 12 first wins. Right now we are tied on 10 and we just scored a point so we got 11. After like 10 minutes the girls got 11 and now we're tied again. After Cameron bumped the ball, it goes to Ashley and she spikes it down. I tried to dive for it but it hit the ground beside me and they start yelling with happiness. They won and we lost but it was Ok.

"Now the losers have to jump in Ashley's pool and touch the bottom and come back up. We put a aircondstioner on the pool and we put ice in the pool to make it cold." Brandy says.

I gave Brandy a confused look aftering that comment. I quickly looked at Rosmeri and she didn't look to good.

"I don't feel good guys!" She yelled.

I walk a little closer to see if she alright.

"What's wrong Rose? Tell me what's wrong now!" Ashley panicked a little.

"Rose are you ok?" Brandy asked

"I feel like I'm going to pass out! And I feel sick too." She said and she ran inside to the bathroom Ashley followed.

They came back like 10 minutes later.

"She got sick." Ashley told us.

"OMG what's wrong babe?" Jacob got worried.

"I'm taking her to the docter!" Ashley yelled.

"Is she ok? I hope she's going to be. I will keep Jake calm. He's staying here with us." I told Ashley and kissed her.

*Romeri's pov*

We arrived at the doctors office and went in. Ashley signed me in. We sat down for 5 minutes.

Shawn Mendes~Best Friends To Lovers (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now