Chapter 2

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I posted a Picture of Elijah: Charles Michael Davis (Enjoy)

$ Elijah $ 

I stood under the shower and let the water cover me. Ever since my conversation with My, she's been avoiding me. I knew it was going to scare her, but i didn't think she would go M.I.A on me. True i'm not known for commitment, but i'm also not some ass hole that would brake her heart. For years the thought of another man touching her, itched me the wrong way. She is my-Mya and no one else's. Maybe I shouldn't had said that I wanted to be her first, but that's what I wanted to be. Everyone knows you never forget your first. But at the same time I understand what she's saying. I don't want to ruining our friendship either, I don't want to loose what we have. Mya is the only girl I trust, hell I trust her more than my own damn momma. But 8vr the years I started looking at her different, she was no longer like a sister to me.

I remember the day it all changed for me, three years ago. We were playing around like usual, we are always playing and wrestling around. Been doing that since we were kids. She was running trying to get away from me, when I grabbed her from behind swinging her around. She started laughing and i thought damn I love that sound. Not to mention the feel of her body next to mine, i had to put her down cause i felt myself getting hard. "What's wrong with you?" She asked me as i ran away to the bathroom. I mean damn that was Mya, i wasn't suppose to think of her like that.

I tried to get it out of my mind, mess with girl after girl. But i found myself still thinking about her, until i met Simone. She was a stripper at one of the local strip night clubs, i swear i spent like 3G's on her in the first hour. She did everything, and i mean everything that a nigga could think of. She wasn't wifey material like Mya, but she filled that void i needed in the bedroom. For a minute I had it made, My's smile and laughter in the day, and Simone's body at night. After two months all that changed when Simone told me she was pregnant. I had to push my feeling for Mya to the side, focus on my child. But it killed me to watch Mya go out with all these whack ass dudes. Looking at her like she was a prize, because she was still a virgin. Slowly one by one they started disappearing when she didn't give it up, and i was right their to console her, protecting what was mine.

I tried to be in relationship with Simone but it wasn't what I wanted. Four months into her pregnancy Simone lost our son and her mind. I paid for her to go back home to her parents and i haven't heard from her ever since, that was over a year ago.

"Eli." Mya called my name knocking on the bathroom door.

"Coming." I yelled getting out of the shower wrapping a towel around my waist. "What's up?" I walked over to her and kissed her check.

"I came by to remind you about the guys trying out to be your sparring partners."

I couldn't take my eyes off her. She had on a pair of skinny jeans and a wife beater tied into a knot in the back shower her belly ring. She had been dressing like this lately drawing attention from all of the fella's down at the gym. "Why you dress like that?' I tried to pull her shirt down to cover her stomach.

"Eli stop." She started hitting my hands. "I'm grown."

"No your not, your still nine in my book." I picked her up and tossed her on my bed. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out one of my t-shirts that had my name across the front. "Put this on."

"No, i like what i got on." She pulled it up showing her stomach more.

"If you don't change your shirt, i'm telling my momma."

"Ewe, your such a bully." She laughed at me, but i was serious, she needed to change that shirt.

"Please put this shirt on My, i beg you." I grabbed her leg and pulled her to the foot of the bed.

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