12 Rounds Chapter 24

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Chapter 24                              Not Yet Edited....


I starred down at Eli as he laid between my legs, his chin was resting on my stomach and my legs were wrapped around his waist. We had just gotten done from making love again. He claims I'm Horny, I think he wants another baby. Zion was now five months and the light of every ones life. We took her to see Ms. Kim last week, Eli's mom started to cry once she saw her. Zion gave her one of her signature smiles and Ms. Kim swore she was in love. She was always a good mom to Elijah, so I know once she's out she will be a good grandma to Zion too.  I know Eli and I have a lo to work out but for right now, i'm happy with the way we are now. I love this man so much i'm never letting him go. For years i've waited for this happiness and now that I have it I'm holding on with all my might. Zion has given me the strength to move on and to try harder. She makes me want to be a stronger woman and a better mother. I love Zion Janis Braxton with all my heart and soul.

"What are you thinking about?" Elijah traced my nipple with the tip of his finger.  

"Everything, Zion, us." 

"What about us?" 

"How happy I am, that we're finally together." 

"Good, cause I know it's hard for you to keep your hands off me."  Eli Laughed.

"Really cause from what I can see your on top of me." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I wanna be in you." He kissed my stomach working his way up to my chest, my neck and than my mouth. "My-Mya." He whispered before kissing me.

Turning us over I took all of him in, closing my eyes from the pleasure. "You know, they say third times a charm." He grabbed my waist as I went on another ride.

After waking Eli up I went to Zion room and checked on her still sound asleep in her crib. I shook my head Eli and I had taken turns getting up with her in the middle of the night. When we want to sleep, she wants to be awake, now we're woke and she wants to sleep.

"Baby have you seen my gym bag." Elijah called from out bed room. He had to go to the gym, he has a championship match coming up in two months. I want to be selfish and beg him to stay with Zion and me, but I know this is his job.

"Did you look under the bed." I got down on my hands a knees and felt under the bed. My body froze when I felt something move. Jerking my hand back i leaned down and looked under only to find one of his boxing gloves hand fallen out of the bed. Shaking it off i pulled the bag out and handed it to him.

"Thank you baby, I knew it was under there, I just wanted to see you on your hands and knees." He smiled licking his lips.

"You Jerk." I tried to hit him, but he was too quick. Picking me up he carried me down the stairs and outside where Big E. was waiting for him in the car.

"I love you." He sat me down and kissed me. I held on to the front of his shirt taking in his scent. "My please lock the door and turn the alarm on." He kissed me again. "Call me if you need me."

"I Love you too. Lily should be here soon, we're going shopping."

"C.J. will be back here soon." He kissed me one last time than climbed in the car to leave.

Walking back into the house I heard Zion crying, so I ran upstairs to get her. I knew she was hungry it had been almost an hour since her last feeding.

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