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       *****************************NOT YET EDITED PLEASE BE NICE************************

Chapter 12


I was going out of mind looking for Mya, she wasn't answering her phone and not responding to my text, this shit was scaring me. I wasn't use to this, i always knew where Mya was and i always knew what she was thinking. I hit the steering wheel with my fist pulling out of her driveway, i had been sitting there for over an hour waiting on her to come home. I took a guess and tried one more place and my heart stopped as i saw her car, glancing up the hill i saw her sitting on the ground next to her mothers head stone. I got out of the car and made my way to only hear her asking her mother why did she keep her?

"My." I knelt down behind her and placed my hands on her shoulders.

"I couldn't do it Elijah, i couldn't kill it." She turned towards me and i pulled her in my arms feeling relief that they both were OK. She let me hold her for awhile and than broke loose from my hold.

"Mya you don't know how happy i am right now, i was scared baby." I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

"I guess we need to tell Mario and Simone about this, i can only imagine how they will feel."

"I don't care how they'll feel, we are having a baby and nobody can do anything about it"

"Well i have to tell Mario because we are technically seeing each other, and i don't want him to hear from some tabloid."

I don't understand why she cares about him, this was our chance to make us work, our chance at finally being together. No matter what that nigga thinks Mya is carrying my baby, so we gonna always be connected. "Yea My you tell him you having my baby and he better act right." I was serious, if he jumps out of line, i'm ending his life. I helped her up on her feet and brushed the grass off her clothes.

"Stop Eli, he has every write to be upset, his girlfriend is pregnant by someone else. He's never going to want to talk to me again." She rubbed her eyes. 

"Good because you need to focus on our kid, not some other nigga." I was getting pissed she still taking up for him. 

"I am focused Eli, you need to chill." She started walking back to her car. "So i need to make a doctors appointment i guess?"

"I'll take care of everything, i told you i got you."  She didn't know this but  by the end of the month Mya was going to be moved in to my house and lying in my bed every night. All this was a blessing for me, Mya was coming back and now we can finally work on us.  


I am so nervous tonight Mario is coming back in town and i have to tell him the news. Elijah had made me an appointment for tomorrow morning and mt stomach was turning over about all of this. Mario was such a good man and when i told Eli he was coming he started to get all defensive saying he wanted to be here when i told Mario and how this was his child he had the right to protect us. I know he's just scared because of what happened the first time with him and Simone's baby, but he was starting to scare me with his possessiveness.

God i just want to crawl in my bed and sleep this day away but instead i got to put on my big girl panties and face the music. I jumped to my feet when i heard a knock on the door, Mario was here. I opened the door and he greeted me with an smile on his face, i so wanted to smile back instead i started crying. He dropped his car keys on the table and wrapped his arms around me, i held on to him to feel the warmth of his body on last time. because when i tell him he's gonna let me go. 

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