chapter 10 Not Yet Edited

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Just a personal note: My computer is acting crazy so my Micro works is not working i will get this Edited as soon as i can on another computer. Please be patient with me....

Chapter 10 


I woke up starring at the ceiling today just felt different.  After Elijah had tried to call, text and visit me I finally had enough and just asked him to give me time to think he reluctantly agreed that was over a month ago. I had taken the time away from the gym and took on my own personal projects I just didn't want to think about or be around Elijah. So why was I thinking about him now? Because that jack ass sent me a text this morning that said "Happy birthday My." a stupid text that sent shivers through my body. This time last year he was bursting through my door with flowers and dozens of balloons singing happy birthday to you in some God awful key. But not this year, this year I just got a fucking text.

"Happy birthday Mya." 

I looked over at Mario coming out of the bathroom. He climbed in bed next to me and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you." I closed my phone and tossed it on the night stand.

"Baby what's wrong?" He pulled me into his arms and i laid my head on his chest. He wasn't Eli but he was second best. After everything that happened between Eli and i he took it upon himself to fire Mario and when Mario called to tell me the news we got together for drinks and things progressed from there. No we haven't had sex yet but i do enjoy his company. 

"I think i should cancel my party tonight." 

"Why, you've been planning this for awhile." He rubbed his hand up and down my back. 

"I know, i just haven't been feeling well and i'm not in the mood to celebrate." 

"Is this about Elijah?" 

"What? No i haven't spoke to Eli in a month." I sat up and looked at him. 

"Good, because i want you to start focusing on us. I really want this to work out between us Mya, I've been in love with you since the first time i saw you." 

I was shocked to her him say those words, for months i waited to hear Elijah say that and it only took Mario a month. Straddling him i brought my lips to his and kissed him, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his body. I wanted this, i wanted to feel that pleasure that my body had been missing for weeks but just not from him. My cell phone started ringing and i pulled away from Mario causing him to groan. Smiling at him i grabbed my phone and ran into the bathroom to get ready, thank God because that would have been a mistake. 

"Are you drunk?" Lily helped me stand as i entered the bar, I had rented out Geno's for the night and Lily had out done herself with the decorations. Guest had already arrived and were enjoying themselves. Flashing lights were making me dizzy but the music that was playing was making me want to dance. Never mind the headache and the nausea i was feeling i was here to celebrate my birthday. 

"I love you Lily." i hugged my sister almost causing us to fall. Mario grabbed my waist and pulled me close to his body. He was smiling and i wondered what was wrong with me, here i have a good man that loves me and i'm still thinking about Elijah. 

"She started drinking when she was getting ready. she done threw up twice now." Mario told Lily and she shook her head at me. 

"No more liquor Mya."

"It's my party, dance with me Mario." I pulled him toward the dance floor and we started dancing. Jezzy's R.I.P was blasting throughout the speakers and i was feeling it  i bounced my butt against Mario's front and he held his arms around my waist. For the first time in a month i was enjoying myself.

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