12 Rounds: Chapter 14

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                                                     Chapter 14: 12 Rounds   


For two days I had been trying to get a hold of Mya but she just kept sending me to voice mail. Finally today she agreed to meet me for dinner and i must admit I am excited about it. My mom keeps asking me what were doing about us, I honestly don't know. I wish we could just get pass all this bull shit and just work things out, hell If we can't be together at least go back to being friends. Who am i kidding me and My are done, she's moved on and i'm trying to. I felt mad disrespected when she brought Mario to our first doctors appointment, that action alone let me know she didn't care how i felt. I could have been a dick and brought Simon but, i thought her feelings.  But i must admit it felt good as hell, punching that nigga is his eye, pretty boy was knocked out.

The truth hurts like hell, i fucked up and she's not coming back. The only thing that's important now is my child and making sure Mya takes good care of her self. I glanced at my watch she was thirty minutes late and I was getting worried, i hope she's not standing me up. I looked over at Big E and he looked at his watch too. "Some things not right." I stood up pulling my cell phone out and called My's phone again, after the third ring she finally answered." 

"Hey, sorry I had to drop Mario off at the airport i'm on my way now." She hung up before i could say anything,  I guess i worry about her to much but she's a big girl she can take care of herself.  


I got up off the floor and started getting dress, i know Eli's probably throwing a fit cause i'm late but i needed to pick up all the broken glass. I looked around at the mess Mario had made before he left, true they were just material things but they were my things. Every time Eli would call he would brake something, i finally decided to stop taking his calls.  I don't know what it is about Elijah that angers him so much, but he's a different man than i remember. For two days i did nothing but reassure him that Eli and I were over but he's still thinking were messing around. He made me get a new bed, change the locks on the house, and he tried to get me to change my phone number but i told him i needed my number for business reasons. "Is it really for business or for Elijah?" He shouted back following me around the house.

"Why are you so intimidated by Eli?" Saying that was a mistake, after that sentence a glass cup smashed against the wall. 

"That nigga ain't got nothing on me." He kicked my coffee table.

"Calm down Mario, that was uncalled for." I get that he's scared but i am faith full to him and he needs to see that.

"Stop worshipping that man Mya, than we wouldn't have a problem. You maybe pregnant by him but, your with me now remember that." He grabbed his bags and walked out of my house to go to the airport.

Walking in the restaurant Big E greeted me at the door and gave me a kiss on the cheek and than i saw Elijah and i wanted to start crying. We use to see each other everyday, we were best friends and now were just acquaintances. He stood and held out my chair for me, not even giving me a hug. I reached up to feel my necklace and than realized it was no longer their. "Sorry for being late Elijah." 

"It's cool, somethings are more important." He took a sip of his water and looked at his menu. 

"How's your mom, i haven't  spoken to her in days." 

"Yea she told me you haven't answered her calls, i guess i'm not the only one you've been ignoring. So how is Mr. Wonderful doing? Still got that black eye?" He had a smile on his face. 

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