12 Rounds Chapter 23

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   Chapter 23                                  Not Yet Edited

Zion, meaning literally "The Pure In Heart" (Looked up in the Urban Dictionary) 


I stuck my hand in the hole of the incubator so I could hold Zion's hand. For some reason I think she knows i'm her daddy cause she wrapped her tiny fingers around mines, she is perfect. The Nurse had explained to Lilly and I that  at thirty five weeks Zion weighed 5 pounds and was 11.6 inches. Her little lips were moving while she was sleep, that let me know she was just like Mya, because My would talk in her sleep some times. She had curly black hair and little tiny feet that made my hands look like I was a giant. May needed to see her, she heeds to see that Zion needs her mother.

"She's so beautiful Elijah." Lilly stood on the other side of the incubator. Her hand was stroking Zion's back. "What are we going to do about Mya, Elijah? She told me that she couldn't raise her, but you and I both know she doesn't mean it."

"I'm gonna handle it, don't worry Lilly. Just promise me that if I need your help, you will please. This family really needs to stay strong right now." She smiled at me. "What?"

"Who would have thought you and I would get along. Or that you would call me family, I promise." She looked back down at Zion and I believe her, Lilly really is a good sister to Mya and I know she will be an excellent Aunt to Zion as well.

 3 Months Later...... 

We were finally able to bring Zion home after three months in the hospital. She was over seven pounds and breathing fine on her own. I got excited every time she would look at me and smile, she has Mya's smile, but she has her daddy'd eyes. When Lilly walked into the Nursery she was in awe I might have went over board but nothing was to good for Daddy's Little Girl. 

"You like It?" I asked lily laying Zion in her crib. 

"Like It, I think I want to live in it." She walked around the room, looking at all the clothes in the closet. "You did good Elijah, considering your doing everything by yourself." 

"Well I do have help from you and your family, so thank you." 

"Do you think Mya will ever come around." 

"I don't no, all I can do is pray that she will soon." I looked down at my baby girl, glad to have her home. No, Mya hasn't held her yet, but I see her sneaking glances as she would walk past the nursery or if i was in the kitchen feeding Zion. When Mya first came back home she went to the Gallo's house while I stayed in New York, but as soon as I brought Zion home I went right over there and brought her ass back home. She fought like hell but I didn't care, this is my family and we're going to be together.

"You can't force me to be something that I don't want to be." My yelled hitting my back as I carried her out of her parents house. They stood by the door and watched as My struggled to get away from me. They knew I was coming, I had called them and told them I had enough of My hiding from her responsibilities.  

"Stop lying to yourself My, you and I both know you love her just as much as I do." I climbed in the back of the car still holding her, Big E drove off as I held her in my arms crying.

Her physical wounds were healing but the mental one's were still their. At times she would just sit and stare out the window for hours and other times she would just lay in bed looking at t.v. But at night she would come into my room and climbed in bed next to me, wrapping my arms around her. We would lay for hours not saying anything and than Zion would cry and I would have to leave her in alone in my bed.     

The Detective Miller from New York had called and said that their has been no signs of Emilio. He told me that they have been staking out the residents, but he has yet to show up. Not a day goes by that I don't think about killing that man, that I don't think about torturing him the way he did my-Mya. He tried to take them from me, and If Mya hadn't of  fought to survive he would have, I just need her to see that she was the reason they were alive.


It's funny how a dream can feel so real. I looked in Zion's eyes as she laid next to me smiling. My heart melted at just the little jester from my daughter. I reached out my hand to stroke her cheek, to find that this was not a dream, this was real. Zion was actually lying here in bed next to me. Something told me  to run and to hide but I couldn't, because I wanted to hold her.


I looked around the room and than down at the phone and saw the speaker phone light on the house phone in Eli's bedroom was on. "Ms. Kim, is that you?" 

"How are you feeling Angel?" 

I shrugged my shoulder's and than realized that she couldn't see me. "I'm lost." I looked down at Zion and stroked her head. 

"Your not lost Mya, your just confused baby that all." 

"I don't want to mess up her life, like my mom messed up mines." 

"Like you the decisions your mother made were to protect you. She took those beating so he wouldn't touch you and when he tried to she decided that you were more important." 

"Yes, I was so important that she left me at your house with strangers for days." 

"She asked me if you could stay, and she called me everyday to make sure you were ok. She even left money so I could feed both you and Eli. She protected you, just like you protected Zion, so if that's the trait you inherited from your mother, than I am even more proud of you."

I started crying as I picked Zion up and held her to my chest. "I almost got my daughter killed." 

"Do you think that if you knew what would happen, you would have went?" 

"No ma'am." 

"Right, you are both alive and that's all that matters. Don't let him steal your joy. Do you hear me Mya?" 

"Yes." I guess I really didn't know my mother after all. I was to busy remembering all the bad she done, to not see the good in her. In a way I always knew she loved me, I was just to mad at her to see it.

"Good now kiss my grand baby on the head for me. I have to go but I will be calling you tomorrow, I love you My Angel and I love my baby Zion." She blew a kiss on the phone. 

I kissed Zion's head. "We love you too." I pressed the button on the phone ending the call. I laid down on the bed with Zion on my chest. How could i had been so stupid and waist precious time with her. She looked so peaceful in her polo sleeper, after seeing her nursery, I knew Eli only bought the best in clothes too. 

I laid in bed enjoying my time with Zion before Eli walked into the bedroom, at first he peeked in and when he saw me holding her he got a huge smile on his face. 

"This is the perfect picture." He pulled out his cell phone and snapped a picture. Climbing in bed next to us he laid his head on my stomach and rubbed Zion's back. 

For weeks I had avoided saying it, and every time I wanted to, I would get scared. "Elijah." His name brought back bad memories.

"Yea baby." 

"I'm sorry, for the way I tried both you and Zion. And I wanted to say thank you, for not giving up on me." 

"I will never give up on you, I love you too much." He moved up so we were face to face.

"Good, because I love you to." I kissed him and it was the best kiss we had ever shared.

To Be Continued....... 

********Please remember to vote and comment. We are almost done with 12 Rounds. Thank you for reading and supporting me...... Please read His Mark on Me and Emotional Roller Coaster Also comming soon Waiting On You first chapter is up for comments.........

All Rights Reserved By: MrsCassey 

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