The Plan Is Revealed

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who read/voted for the last chapter

*Author's Note* 

I really, really need to update. Seriously. I'll probably update really soon though, not a few weeks like last time, okay? Also, the Ashley portrayed here is not based on Dolphin23. She just gave me the idea.

*Ashley's POV*

After arguing with Prince Gumwad some more, he finally agreed to the plan with trying to change it, and wrote  the note. I raised an eyebrow at his handwriting. "How much spare time do you have? Like, is running a kingdom not enough for you? Do you practice your handwriting day in, day out?"

He turned cherry red. "N-no!"

He needs a better hobby. One day, he's going to get bored of writing things out, and when they day comes, he won't know what to do with himself and will only cause trouble.

He handed me a small piece of paper and the pen, and I wrote a much shorter and messier note. His eyes widened when he read it. "Wow..."

"Implications are your best friend. I didn't actually say it- so I'm not lying." I smirked.

"That is... really, really devious." He said, impressed.

I shrugged. Well, what did he expect? We go skipping down the lane and tie ourselves to a tree in protest?

"Well, Gumball. I don't plan on dying soon, and only the good die young." I said, pocketing the notes and whistling the Billy Joel song of the same name.

"Can I come?" He asked.

"Yes- but stay out of sight. Then, walk in with a bunch of flowers."

"Again, very devious."

I shot him a look. "And your point is?"

He shook his head. "Nothing, nothing."

"That's what I thought." I said, satisfied for the moment. For a prince, he makes a wonderful subordinate.

*Marshall's POV*

It was finally dark enough for me to go pick Fi up. I tucked the small back box in my back pocket and set off before I could change my mind. I was nervous enough as it was. When I opened the door, Fionna called down, "I'll be done in a minute, Marshall!"

Is stargazing that important to her...? No, wait, I know what happened. Cake and Fi got into an argument about what she should wear. Trust me when I say it's happened before.

I heard the door open behind me, and assumed it was Cake until I heard her voice.

"Miss me?" Ashley asked.

I ground my teeth. "No."

"I missed you."

"Good for you. Go away."

She looked around. "Remember when we first moved in here? Just two crazy kids-"

"What do you want, Ashley?" I asked, snapping suddenly.

She backed up, surprised, and broke a vase. Cake was going to kill me.... but I might as well prolong it a little, especially since it wasn't my fault to being with, and clean it up.

Then I noticed the note. Dated yesterday, bubblegum pink, and the best handwriting I had ever seen. What did Gumball want with Fi yesterday...? I picked it up, the vase forgotten, and sat back. With each word, my heart shattered a little, until it finally said, Love Gumball, and it broke into a million pieces.

She was cheating on me. With Gumball.

"Sorry to keep you waiting- Marshall, what's wrong?" Fionna asked, blue eyes wide.

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