Hartman and Eldridge

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*Fionna’s POV*

Caius woke me up before we could continue through the party. Guillermo and René had to hold me back so that I didn’t kill Caius.

So I just cussed him out.

“Can someone please make her look presentable?” Caius sniffed. “She looks like we dragged her through a cactus patch.”

Guillermo tied me to a chair, and René put make-up on me. Angelo came in and leaned on the doorway, before saying something to René.

 “Angelo wants to know if you’re okay.” René translated.

“Yeah… I’m just upset about Marshall.” I said, trying not to burst into tears again. 

Angelo nodded, before saying something else to René.

René nodded, and my hair tumbled down. “May we cut it?” René asked.

 I nodded quietly, afraid that I’d break into sobs if I spoke. They cut it to waist length, and pulled it into a waterfall braid.

Angelo pulled out a dress I hadn’t seen before, and nodded approvingly. It was red, and strapless.

“No way.” I said firmly.

“No? But you look like you’ve been to Hell and back.” Guillermo said.

“Hold still! I may be the best out of us three at this, but I’m still pretty bad.” René growled.

“If I ran…” I trailed off.

 “We’d pursue.” Guillermo, René and presumably Angelo said in unison.

“Besides, whoever Caius sells you off to might be perfectly nice.” Guillermo said optimistically.

Angelo said something, and they both looked at him. “Well, that’s not a nice thing to say.” René pointed out.

Angelo raised an eyebrow, and said something else.

“Was he always this crass?” Guillermo asked René, who nodded.

“Now, my dear brothers, what do you think?” René asked, stepping back to admire his handiwork.

 “I like it.” Guillermo said happily. “But does she have to wear the dress?”

Angelo said something, and René shot him a look. “She’s way too classy for that, Angie.”

Angelo glared at his brother, while Guillermo found a blue dress. It wasn’t strapless, but it was sleeveless, and looked like a cross between a cocktail dress and a sundress. He untied me, and ushered his brothers out of the tent.

 Now see- there was only one exit, and they were standing right outside it.

Angelo said something, and René reluctantly translated. “Angelo says, ‘if you take too long, we’re going to have to turn around to make sure you’re still there.’” Hurriedly, I changed into the dress. “Okay, you guys can look now."

Guillermo smiled. “I was hoping it would fit you.”

René gave me a thumbs-up, and Angelo nodded approvingly.

 “Get a move on!” Caius yelled into the tent. Guillermo adjusted my hair a tiny bit, René shoved blue high heels onto my feet, and Angelo pulled me roughly out of the tent.

Caius looked me up and down appraisingly, before nodding. “Let’s take her into the city.”

It was only a short walk to the Valleyhale city limits, and soon enough, we reached the center of the city.

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