At least we get to see Flame King

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*Author's Note* 

Like I said. Every other Friday instead of every other Wednesday. I got bored this time though... and I don't think the last chapter's going to get any more publicity, so...

*Gumball's POV*

A royal assembly had been called, and Marshall was pacing the floor instead of sitting down. "This is stupid! Every second we waste here, she gets farther away!" He growled.

"We need to decide who will protect us if she's gone, and even you leave." Slime Prince pointed out.

"Even me. Is the prejudice really necessary right now?!" Marshall snapped.

I spread the files on the table. "What we know about Caius Hartman is that he is always with a fairly large group, except when he kidnaps people. They're moving much slower than you would be, either way."

"Where are they going to take her?" Skeleton Prince asked.

"Not far." Flame King spat.

I pointed to Marshall, who was shooting Flame King a look. Yes, Flame King. Marshall, the man who was going to marry Fionna, still exists. Well... we all knew it was going to happen someday anyway, let's be honest.

"But like, where?" LSP snapped.

"Valleyhale." Ashley piped up.

Everyone stared at her. "Where?" I asked.

"It's the heart of the Alliance- the world outside of Aaa. They like to make it sound nice, but out there... anyway, Valleyhale isn't that hard to find, it is just a little ways away from Aaa. A few days on foot, at least a week with Caius' retinue."

"Tell us more about Valleyhale." Raggedy Prince pressed.

"It's an awful, awful place. You learn to let go of all mercy and kindness- it's survival of the fittest in there. At every corner, crime runs rampant. No one cares, as long as they don't get hurt. The city is ruled by Dorian Eldridge. He never comes out in public, but his thugs run around stealing as much money from people as they can. If you don't pay up, they slit your throat in a special way that make you choke on your own blood. But at least people know what happened to you. If you do something -anything- that pisses him off, then his goons haul you away, and you never come back." Ashley was almost in tears now, and I rubbed her back.

"Sh, sh. It's okay now." I said softly to her. Everyone in the room knew she had escaped from Valleyhale, it's why she was there. BY the sound of it, she had met these goons personally.

"What if you don't let go of all mercy and kindness?" Marshall asked quietly.

"The city either tears it from you, or tears you to shreds." Ashley answered.

We all shuddered. "How?" I heard myself ask.

"I don't want to talk about it." Ashley muttered, before unfurling a map. "Here is the land of Aaa, and here is Valleyhale." She said, pointing at two seperate points on it.

Marshall examined it. "It should be easy enough."

"It's up and down, and all over the place." Ashley replied. "The map is a lot less specific. I know you can fly, but she can't, Marshall!"

He shrugged. "I can carry her."

"All the way back to Aaa?" I countered.

"If we stop, Caius will get her in his clutches again, and I will not allow that to happen!" Marshall yelled, slamming his fist on the table.

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