Jazz's Funeral

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*Author's Note*

Hehehehe, aren't I awful? And now back to your regularly scheduled story.

*Fionna's POV* 

Olivia didn't do anything right up until the day of the hanging. I wasn't talking to Marshall at this point, and he still went through with this. 
"Any last words?" Gumball asked Jazz. 
"Yes, I have a few questions. What if the stick jams and I don't take the drop?" 

"Then we'll hang you later." 
"What if it jams then? And the next time? How many times are you willing to do this? I mean, it's not impossible. It's happened before." 
"We're willing to try this at least 10 times. Is that it?" 
"No. Can I monologue?" 

"No. We're just going to hang you." Gumball snapped. 
"Okay... you know I'm only asking about it jamming because that's happened before in history, right?" Jazz asked. 
Gumball groaned. "Look, we're just going to hang you. By the neck. Until dead. You don't need to ask so many questions! It'll be over before you know it." 

Jazz sighed and moved over to the noose, which Gumball put around her neck. 
"Wait, are you my judge, jury and executioner?" She asked. 
"...The jury was unreliable." 
"So that's a yes. You know, you're kind of bloodthirsty." 

"We're hanging you so that there is no blood involved. Okay... Marshall, get ready to pull." 
Suddenly, a brunette with red eyes appeared on the platform next to Jazz. Really, Lilith? 
"Are you kidding me? No more interruptions!" Gumball snapped. 
"What part of this makes you think I approve of this?" Jazz asked him. "I turned myself in, remember?" 

"You can't kill her." Lilith said,before saying to most of the crowd that had gathered, "This will take a while. And they're executing a royal princess like a common criminal. That's beneath anyone's dignity to watch." 
Oddly convinced, most of the crowd dispersed, leaving me, Dessie, Olivia, Ashley and Blake. (Cake and Betty didn't want to see this happen, and while Dessie, Olivia, Ashley, me and Marshall didn't either, we kind of had to stay. She's my daughter. I'm not just going to let her die alone.) 

"Again, we're hanging her so that there's no blood involved, so that Marshall and Blake don't frenzy, as well as possibly Desdemona." Gumball said. "Obviously." 
"Her blood is still going to be on your hands. Both of you." Lilith snapped. 
"What do you want her for?" Marshall asked suspiciously. 
"Release her into my custody." 

"Hey, I would like a say in this. Please hang me. You do realize she wants me alive so she can rule the world, right?" Jazz asked. 
"Exactly. If we didn't spare Jazz for Fionna, we're not going to spare her for you." Gumball agreed. 
"Then I'm going to have to make sure she survives by force." Lilith growled. "I will not die again!" 

"While it's ironic that you're the reason I'm up here in the first place, don't worry. Blake might find someone to procreate with. It might be a cave troll, but still." Jazz snickered. 
LIlith crossed her arms. "You're my second coming, and you're going to live!" 

"Um, no. Good try though. Dad? Don't you have a switch to pull?" Jazz asked. 
That's when Olivia and Ashley got up on the platform. 
"No more interruptions!" Gumball growled. 
"Neither of you want Jazz's blood on your hands, do you?" Ashley asked. 

"Our plan will make everybody happy. Dorian and Lilith can have their weird demonic romance, Jazz can live as normal a life as Dessie does, Fionna and Marshall's marriage might still be salvageable... why are you still going through with this?" Olivia asked. 
"Because it's a sentence that has been passed!" Gumball growled. 

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