Our house

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*Marshall's POV*

"Marshall Lee, you get back here so I can get you!" She yelled.

I noticed that I had hit a dead end, and hid behind the door, shutting and locking it behind her.

She whipped around and I laughed evilly, having turned invisible. "As you can see, I've learned my lesson."

"Apparently not, because you faked your death again."

She raised her sword, which I then wrenched away from her and tossed somewhere. I turned into a tiny bat and flew up onto a shelf, watching her. Abandoning the sword, she soon found me.

Now, she'd know it was me, any day of the week. After all, how many bats have red eyes? Besides, Gumball is OCD about cleanliness everywhere. A bat would not go unnoticed.

She picked me up gently, and sat down on the floor. "I'm not going to hurt you, Marshall."

I shot her a disbelieving look. Yeah right. The minute I turn back into a vampire, she'll punch my lights out.

"However, if you ever do that to me again, you'll find yourself injured beyond a red cheek or even a black eye, understand?"

I rolled my eyes. She loves me too much to hurt me that much.

"I'm serious. The first time? That was a warning. Next time? At the very least, you'll sleep on your awful couch for three months. You'll probably get kicked out of the house altogether."

I made my eyes go big. No one- especially Fi- can resist the adorable bat face. True to form, she sighed. "Yes, you're adorable. Now turn back into a vampire so I can have a conversation with you where I don't seem crazy."

I shook my head, and moved my wing to gesture to her backpack. Again- she'd punch me if I was closer to her size, and I don't like the sun.

"Fine- I'll give you a ride. I think it's dark outside though."

I pouted. I give her rides all the time- can't she return the favor just once?

She swung it off her shoulders, being careful not to hit me, and opened the flap. "Climb in- but just 'til we get back to your house, okay?"

I shot her a look. Our house.

"Well, I can't cuddle up to you properly if you're smaller than a teddy bear, now can I?"

I shook my head, then gestured between us with my wing. This isn't about my size, though I like cuddling too.

"You're just going to have to tell me when we get back, okay?"

I thought for a minute, before nodding and climbing into her backpack.

It don't know why I didn't use that trick before. Like I said, I'm particularly adorable as a bat, and she never could hurt me in bat form. When we left the Candy Castle, it was dark, like she said. Whatever- she's returning the favor.

It occured to me that I could have been saved all the bumping around scraps of paper and paranoia about something I was sure was moving in the corner that was almost certainly bigger than me if I just had her carry me directly. Probably'd be a lot warmer too. But now I know something important- later, I'm going to get this bag from her somehow, and burn it.

I don't think she's cleaned it out since she was what- 14? Definitely time for a new backpack. I suddenly went flying up in the air as the backpack went down.

"Marshall, get out. We're at your house." I was relieved to get out of that death trap- yes, fully clothed. "Our house. You're marrying me, right? Why not just move in with me now, and we do all the legal stuff later?"

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