Stay Out of This

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*Author's Note* 

And cue angry ranting from everyone. Maybe even the poor GumLee shippers, but she said she thinks he might be. So... I'm not touching that. And as for Olivia, everyone has brought up at some point that they think she's crazy. 

*Fionna's POV*

We had two hours before Dorian arrived. Hopefully none of us would die, but you can't fight a battle without any losses. I just hoped it wouldn't be Jazz or Marshall. I know how selfish that is, but... not them. Anyone but them.

"You should suit up." Marshall said from the doorway.

He was already in his battle gear.

"We still have time."

"Better safe than sorry."

"Fine... but if I pull the helmet down, it's impossible to tell who I am."

"Why do you think I still have mine up? C'mon, let's go."

"Hey!" He was practically dragging me.

"Hey, yourself. You're not dying on me. If that means chaining you to a chair to keep you away from Dorian and the battle."

"You wouldn't dare."

He fell silent.


"Is it so bad that I want to keep you safe? That I want to make sure Dorian never hurts you again?" He asked me. "But, you would never agree to that without a fight."

"Marshall- what if you die out there?"

"I'm already dead. All that I have to live for is you." He said, moving around me so that he was in front of me. He bent down on one knee. "Please tell me you're going to be safe."

"Marshall, it's a battle. No one's safe. And I don't want to be stuck in here, knowing you're dead out there."

"Glob, Fionna! All that I ask is that you, the woman I love and the mother of my child, stay away from something that could end your life."

"And let you go alone? No, Marshall!"

 That's when we heard the piano.

"Long ago, I went to war,

to fight the scourge of Christendom,

I held aloft my blessed sword and said,

'By God, let them come!' "

That sounded like Jazz...

"They've said their eyes are red as flame,

I've heard it told, from Hell they came.

Their breath is fire, their tongues are forked,

thus are the beasts of Dragonsgate."

She sounded a little amused with that verse. It confused me until I looked at Marshall, who stuck out his tongue- forked version. I'd forgotten he could do that.

"I heard my father's words, deep in my heart,"

Marshall blinked.

"'Son, know your enemy, as I know my son'."

That's very zen- and now we know it's not Jazz's song, since Marshall has been pestering me about my armor and not being able to impart these words of zen to her, and she is a girl.

"The fates were kind, they let me in,

the dragon's lair, the den of sin!

I placed my sword upon its heart,

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