She HAS to be faking it, right?

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*Author's Note* 

I needed to update before you all forgot the plotline. But at least I was better than last time, right?

*Gumball's POV*

I finally gathered up my courage and walked in. She was on her knees, sobbing. I'd get mad at the stupid vampire, but it's my fault for once, not his.
"Fionna...?" I asked warily.
Her head snapped up. "What do you want? Come back to ruin my life some more?!"

"Fionna, I apologize. I had no idea it would be blown out of proportion like this. I thought it would just be an innocent chance for me, but it soon became so much worse." Truth. I never knew this would happen.
She wiped her eyes. "Don't apologize- fix it."
"Marshall would kill me if I went near him, especially in this state." I said, before pulling a sheet of paper and a pen out of my pocket and writing an explanation and an apology down. 

I don't like seeing her like this.

But other than that, I'm pretty sure she'll tear it up when she sees Marshall and Ashley. Or something will happen to it- plus, she was going to check that I wasn't antagonizing Marshall further. And I was right. She read it quickly, shot me a look, and left.

If the letter is delivered properly, she and Marshall will probably reconcile. And he will kill me. If she sees Marshall and Ashley, her heart will break clean in two, and she'll rip the letter up. Why can't everyone just be happy?

*Ashley's POV*

He started it this time. I knocked on the door, and he pulled me in, kissing me roughly. He didn't even bother to close the door, he just pulled me over to the couch. Excellent- even if his couch is practically made out of rocks.

I heard footsteps, and started talking dirty. Oh, you overheard that, kid? You were supposed to! And... riiiiiiiiiiip. There goes Gumball's note.
"Hypocritical...!" She yelled, before she ran off in tears.

Marshall sat up, his hair mussed. "You knew she was coming."
I shook my head. "She must be pretty desperate though. Guess she's trying to cheat on the guy she cheated on you with, huh?"
"Ashley. Did you, or did you not, know she was coming?"
"I'm telling you, I didn't know Fionna was coming over to your house!" I lied. "And anyway, why would I care? You kissed me at the door, Marshall, not the other way around!"

"This was a mistake." He muttered, before going after her. "All of this- dating her, falling in love with her, messing around with you just now- it was a mistake. And excuse me if I go watch her trash everything I thought our relationship was in person."
I bolted after him. "NO!"
But he was already gone- turning invisible and tracking her to the Candy Kingdom.

Hey, wait. It's a starry night tonight.... huh. I haven't seen the stars in a while...

*Marshall's POV*

That's right, go to Gumball. I knew it. She marched right up to his lab and locked the door. Well, that's interesting. "Gumball, I can't believe I trusted a word you said!"
"You were emotionally unstable." He replied. "You latched on to the nearest source of comfort after the break-up, which was the belief that I'd 'fix it'. Did you really expect me to?"

"Yes! You said you'd fix it! But that doesn't matter- why did you do it in the first place?!"
Is there a version of TMZ (or whatever it was called) in Aaa? Because they'd have a field day with this.
"Because I love you!"
"Well, I love him! And he... when I went over to his house to give him your explanation, he was in liplock with Ashley, and..." She started to break down.

Aw, poor little bunny. Well, I'm not falling for it!
"Maybe he doesn't love you back." Gumball snapped. "Maybe you can end this vicious triangle and just accept that I'm the best thing for you!"
She slapped him. Interesting reaction... slap, slap, kiss relationship maybe? Kiss, kiss, slap?
"I love him! I feel like my heart's been shattered into a thousand million tiny pieces because of you, Marshall, and Ashley, and I just want it to be alright again! Just make the pain stop..."

He handed her a tissue. "I told you how I can, 'make the pain stop' as you put it. And I may be very insensitive at the moment, but I am so much better for you than that blood-sucking monster!"
"Maybe to you he's a blood-sucking monster, but you don't see him like I do. You don't ever see his eyes light up when he talks about his music, or how he has a sweet side, or how he may not be a distantly polite person like you, but he's still a wonderful person..."

Alright, she knows I'm here. No use appearing if she already knows.
Gumball gripped her shoulders and shook her. That's a little harsh, isn't it?
"What does he have that I don't?! What's so great and perfect about him?! He is the one who thought you cheated on him- even though everyone else in the entire country can see that you'd never do that willingly, and you'd tell him if you thought another guy even looked at you funny!"

"He doesn't hurt me." She breathed when he let her go. I restrained a growl.
"At least, not physically, like you just tried to. He has a temper, sure, but he never lets it get the absolute best of him. And maybe he's a little insecure, but who isn't? Has he ever trusted you enough to tell you about his childhood?! And part of love is the jealous feeling you get because you think everyone else in the entire world wants them too- for me, at least. And he only thinks I cheated on him because of you!"

He grabbed her wrists before she could hit him again. "You two really had something special, didn't you?!" He asked. "True love- that only happens once in a lifetime!"
"Are you paraphrasing 'The Princess Bride'?" She asked, trying to divert him.
"Well... yes. The point is- you two had something so special- and now... you don't." He snarled, not bothered at all by the tears pouring out of her eyes.

"And what makes you think I'd marry you?!" She spat.
"Because I'm the only option you have left. Marshall is now tucked into Ashley's arms, and I am the best contender for your hand!" Gumball hissed.
"Doesn't a marriage proposal require my consent?!" Fionna growled. For some reason, I thought of the little black box still tucked in my back pocket...

Gumball frowned. "You still don't understand how I feel about you! I need you, and now I have my chance since that stupid vampire is out of the picture! It's so frustrating when someone you love doesn't love you back!"
He finally released her wrists, which were a bright red. He had hurt her. He had hurt my Fi.

*Fionna's POV*

I didn't mind my wrists so much- I'd had worse. But then Marshall appeared on the windowsill, looking murderous and growling, "Was hurting her really necessary?!"
"What do you care?" Gumball snapped. "You broke up with her."
"I know. I can remember what happened half an hour ago." Marshall shot back.

It had only been a half hour?

"Answer my question!" Gumball growled.
"I came here to see for myself how you two were acting with each other. And that was a very convincing performance, but you obviously knew I was here, or you two never would have said those things!" Marshall snarled.
"You know that's not true! You're just too proud to admit it!" I snapped, rubbing my wrists.

I had no idea Gumball was that strong. Seriously- why have I even saved him so many times if he's that strong?
Marshall's eyes snapped to my wrists. "And what's that? Cherry syrup?"
I frowned. "This is ridiculous! I could tell you something obvious like you're in the Candy Kingdom, and you wouldn't believe me!"
"Maybe because I don't trust a word you say. And to me- you're just another pretty face."

He dug something out of his jeans and tossed it to me. "Keep it- but The Question doesn't come attached anymore. I'm just glad I found out about this before I asked you The Question." Then he left.
It was a small, black, velvet box. I opened it, and saw a silver ring with a blue stone set in the middle. It was an engagement ring... oh, Glob.

"What is it?" Gumball asked me.
I shook my head, knowing I'd be incomprehensible if I talked, so he came over and peered over my shoulder.
"I'll be damned... that vampire actually wanted to marry you." Gumball breathed.
Oh, Glob, why did Gumball have to ruin my happiness, jump up and down on it while laughing maniacally, hack it to pieces, and bake it into cupcakes?! 

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