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*Author's Note*

I've decided I need a schedule. How about every other Wednesday? Or just every Wednesday? (Or will that be too fast?)

*Gumball's POV*

The next morning, my mind made up, I went over to Marshall's house. It was eerily silent, and his eyes were bloodshot when he answered the door.  

"What do you want?!" He snarled at me. 

I gulped. No fear, no fear... "She never cheated on you." 

"Um- what? I saw the note, Gumball. I'm not an idiot." 

"No, you're a stubborn vampire who won't accept what he knows is the truth because he's too proud. I faked the notes, and I knew you'd discover them soon. I was just trying to break you two up, but now she's miserable and won't talk to anyone at all, except... well, she told me to give this back to you." I said, pressing the engagement ring box into his hand. 

 He looked down at it. "Why didn't she keep it...?"

I smacked my palm to my forehead. "Let's review, shall we? You called the bruises I callously gave her 'cherry syrup', maintained that she was lying when she told me several times she loved you and that you were basically the most wonderful being on Earth- which I still don't understand- basically threw the box at her saying it meant absolutely nothing to you now, and trusted her less than I trust the Ice Queen when all your evidence was a shoddy love letter I had written! The better question is, why would she keep it?"

 Marshall glared at me. "How do I know you and her aren't in on it together?"

I felt like tearing my hair out. "Marshall. I want absolutely nothing from you personally, though I would like Fionna's love, which you still possess. Cake told me Fionna was crying too hard to sleep last night. You know I'm telling the truth, you can run me under a million lie detectors if you want, and I'll still say this with no chance of being called out because I am telling the truth." I said slowly.

 Marshall glared at me. "Alright then. Tell me this- if she loves me so much, why is this ring in my hand?"

For a second, I felt like telling him several different things- she had replaced the ring with a note saying, 'if you want to get the ring back, you're going to have to come and get it', lying and saying it was all a farce and we were going to be very happy together, things like that.

Then I heard myself say, "Because Fionna doesn't want to stare at it, day in, day out, knowing what could have been. In fact, she doesn't even want to talk about you. You broke her heart into a thousand pieces Marshall." And of course, there are the reasons I've already listed, but apparently vampires have the memory spans of goldfish.

 He ignored me, staring at a spot just past my left shoulder.

"You broke her." I continued. "You're the biggest jerk on the planet, and I'm not sure what she's going to do. Most likely, she's going to shut herself off from everybody but Cake, and become emotionless when she does associate with the outside world. Now, if you excuse me, I'm leaving now, before I have to deal with your false accusations anymore, even if it's to help her, because I can't bear to see her like this."

 *Marshall's POV*

 He can't be right. He can't be telling the truth. Because if he was- that would make me the cheater, the paranoid, distrustful, awful one too. But... I knew he was telling me the truth. Glob dammit. To make matters worse- I made Fi cry.

 If it was anyone else, they wouldn't be able to sleep well at night because they'd know I'd come after them. So, yeah, I was feeling pretty lousy after Gumball left, having told me this stuff. And I kind of... already knew it. He just confirmed my suspicions that I was quite possibly, the worst person to walk the Earth ever. Well, not ever, and not walk, but the worst person in Aaa.

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