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*Olivia's POV*

We're trying hard not to rip off Twilight here. We really are, but childbirth is an easy cop out for vampirism. To be honest, he would have turned her earlier if he wouldn't risk Jazz and Dessie. And Desdemona is a legitimate name, stretching back to Shakespeare, so... yeah. And once again, it's pronounced Deh-zee

So back to the story. It was the middle of July. Betty had enough problems trying to keep the heat down when Fionna went into labor. 12 hours later, Marshall was staring bleakly into her hospital room when I found him. 
"Marshall, where's Dessie?" 
"Does it matter?" He asked me softly. "Fionna's dying. This is all my fault..." 

"Marshall, where is Dessie?" I repeated. 
"With Jazz. In the nursery. I never should have left her..." Marshall said quietly. 
I patted him on the shoulder. "You stay here and brood, and I'll go make sure your baby daughter survives." 

I ran off before he could be melodramatic some more, and came across the nursery. I peered at the scrawl on the cribs, before going inside. 
Babies don't have hair. 
Babies don't have teeth
Babies are really trying to avoid genetic cloning, aren't they? 

Luckily for Dessie, there's still cheek swabbing. Which I did, before going back to Marshall. 
"Can I remove Dessie from the hospital for a little while?" 
He slowly looked at me. 
"Marshall, we do not have time for you to be Edward Cullen! I still have that industrial paint, you know! Now, your daughter could die. Will you give me permission?" 

He nodded, and I passed him a form I had already drawn up. 
"Okay. Feel free to return to your brooding." I huffed, before retrieving the baby and marching over to the Candy Castle. Gumball and Ashley were stepping out. 
"Come on, Ashley. Whatever you and Gumball were planning on doing is not as important as saving an innocent life." I said, grabbing her arm. 

"No buts. Do you remember the spell?" 
"Of course. It was only a few months ago..." 
"Okay then. Let me strap her in..." 

After doing so, I hurriedly cloned the baby, placing the clone on the table. Just in time, too. Dessie's eyes started glowing red, and Ashley performed the spell. I covered my ears while Dessie howled. Is it wrong to say all this was much easier several months ago? 

Ashley finally transferred Lilith, and we both looked at each other for a minute before looking back at Lilith. She was slowly turning red, then I realized that she was red hot. Suddenly, she burst into flame, and in a flash, she was gone. 

"That's not natural." Ashley said, visibly shaken. 
I passed her Dessie. "No. That would be spontaneous combustion. Odd. It's usually never that fast. Or thorough, especially with someone who's supposedly got the power to shoot lightning out of her fingertips." 
"What about Jazz?" Ashley asked me. 
I shook my head. "Lilith won't go after her. I have to get Dessie back to the hospital. You may return to your outing." 

"It's a doctor's appointment." Ashley said, smiling. She and Rislington had gotten hitched a while back and ten to one they were expecting their own baby. 
"Congratulations. Seriously. I would much rather be going with you two than to go see the brooding vampire again." 

"What's up with Marshall?" Ashley asked. 
"I believe he is asking himself one of the most important things a man can ask- to bite, or not to bite, that is the question, whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer." I said. I can't remember the rest. 
"Why doesn't he?" 
"Because he's playing Twilight. Isn't he, Dessie? Isn't he?" I cooed. 

Ashley smiled. "Well, I have to get going." 
"As do I." I agreed, bringing Dessie back to the hospital. 
Marshall was still staring bleakly at Fionna, who was breathing shallowly. 
"Marshall, hold your daughter." 

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