Haunted 1-1

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Me & Lena woke up and go into the bathroom.

Sorry. "Lena said
Oh, no, it's cool, I'm done. "Jer said
You're up early. Where are you going? "I asked
Police station. They're organizing the search party for Vicki, so... "Jer said
Wait. Shouldn't you be going to school? "She asked i gave her a "Really" look
What? You're kidding me, right? "Jer asked
You shouldn't skip school. If they find her, we'll know. That's what cellphones are for. "She said and jer looked at me for help.
Look lena let him go one more day of school couldnt hurt. "I said
She gave me a glare.
I dont want you missing school jer. "She said ignoring me
Yeah, your lips keep movin'. I don't know why. "He said and I smirked

We got ready and headed to the Salvatore boarding house. When we got there Lena rang the bell.
Damon goes downstairs, the door bell rings. Damon answers it.

Is Stefan here? "I asked
Yep! "He said
Where is he? "Lena asked and damon turned to her
And good morning to you, little miss " I'm on a mission". "He said
How can you be so arrogant and glib after everything that you've done? "She asked and i rolled my eyes
And how can you be so brave and stupid to call a vampire arrogant and glib? "He said
If you wanted me dead, I'd be dead. "Lena said with a brave voice
Yes, you would. "Damon said calmly
But I'm not. "She said with a smug face
Yet. "Damon said which wiped off that brave look.
I snickered and she glared at me. I just gave her a innocent smile. And she rolled her eyes.
Where is Stefan? "She asked
He's upstairs singing "The rain in Spain". Knock yourself out. "He said Damon left. Elena closes the door and we walk down the hall.

Stefan? Stefan? "Elena called while i walked behind her
Yes. "He answered
Where is Vicki? "I asked
She's upstairs. "He said
What happens now? Because my brother is out there searching for her with the rest of the town. What do I tell him? "Lena asked
I'm working with her, but it's gonna take time. She's a very volatile and impulsive personality. She's a drug user. I mean, all that's gonna play a part in how she responds to this. "He said
So, she's a vampire with issues? What am I supposed to do? Because I'm lying to everyone that I care about. What's gonna happen to her? "Lena asked
I'm gonna keep her here with me until I know that she's safe. "He said
How long is that? "Vicki asked making me turn
We can talk about that later. "He said
Hey, Vicki, How are you? "Lena said really out if all the questions
How am I? You're kidding, right? "She asked
Wow Vicki just went to the bathroom. And Stefan went to get her more blood sooo.
Vicki re-enters.

False alarm. My body's feeling really funky. It's a good funk, but it's weird. "Vicki said
Hmm, who are you calling? "Lena asked
Jeremy. "Vicki answered
Vicki, you can't see Jeremy anymore. "Lena said my eyes widened because vicki got an angry look.
What she meant is you cant see jeremy until you get better. "I said quickly she calmed until lena had to speak
No that is not what i meant. "Sge said glaring at me. I was giving her the stare dont you dare. But she ignored me.
I dont want you seeing Jeremy when you can hurt him. "She said

Oh come on don't you start. I'm gonna see whoever I wanna see. "Vicki said getting mad
Even though you could hurt him? "Lena asked
I would never hurt Jeremy. "Vicki said strongly
I know you think that but I can't take that risk. You're gonna have to let Jeremy go now. "Lena said
Lena shut up. "I said only to be ignored again
Oh really? And how long have you been preparing the "you're not good enough" speech? I'm assuming it predates the whole vampire thing. "Vicki said
All I am saying is Jeremy is not getting involved in any of this. I mean it, Vicki. "Lena said strongly
Or what? "Vicki asked Vicki grabs Lena by the throat and pushes her against the wall. I widened my eyes
Vicki let her go now. "I said getting mad
Not you to em I actually like you. "She said showing me her fangs.

I said let her go!!! "I yelled then something came out of me and shot her.

She got mad and started running towards me

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She got mad and started running towards me. I did some weird hand gestures and it shot something at her.

It hit her hard

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It hit her hard. She got up and threw me against the wall I almost blacked out.

Dammit Lena why can't you ever keep your mouth shut. "I asked she grabbed Lena by the throat again

Let's get one thing straight, you perky little bitch. You had my brother whipped for fifteen years. Fifteen years and then you dumped him. When I look at you that is all I see, just so you know. And I'm gonna see Jeremy whenever I wanna see Jeremy, because I have some fun new toys to play with, and I won't think twice about ripping your little head off. You got it? "She asked
I got back up and did the same thing. And vicki sped in front of me and pushed me up against the wall. And I hit my head hard again. She was about say something. Until I heard a crack and she fell on the floor. I was gasping and saw Damon in front of me.
You ok. "He asked worried I nodded
Oh my god Em are you ok. "Stefan said finally coming back
I'm fine. "I said
Lena are you ok. "I asked her worried she nodded
How did you do all of that. "She asked
I have no idea. "I answered
Do what. "Stefan and Damon asked
Well... "I said but I was feeling dizzy.
Hey Emely are you ok. "Damon asked
I... "I said and just like that I fell but someone caught me.
Oh my god Em. "Was the last thing I heard and I blacked out.

Lena's POV

Hey Emely are you ok. "Damon asked
I.... "She said I was worried
Then she passed out and fell. But before she hit the ground Damon sped towards her and caught her.
Oh my god Em. "I said and ran towards her checking if she's ok

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