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So turns out Rick saw Isobel. And she wants to see me and Lena. I don't want to see the bitch but she said she'll go on a killing spree.
Damon finally entered the classroom.

Damon, thanks for coming. "Ric said.
Sorry I'm late. My dog ate my uh...never mind. "Damon said once he saw the look on our faces.

What's with all the furrowed brows? "Damon asked.
I saw Isobel last night. "Ric said.
Isobel is here? "Damon asked.
Ric nods
In town? "He asked
He turns to me and looks at me.

Did you ask her about Uncle John? Are they working together? "Damon asked.

No. "Ric said
No they're not? "Damon asked.
No, I didn't ask. "Ric said.
What about the invention? "Damon asked. I sighed.
Didn't ask. "Ric said.
Did she know about the tomb vampires? "Damon asked another question.
I don't know. "Ric said.

Did words completely escape you? "Damon asked frustrated.
No, I was a little too distracted by my dead vampire wife to ask any questions. "Ric snapped.
Damon turns to Me and Lena.

What did she want? "He asked us.
She wants to see us, Damon. "I said to him.
He looks at me.

Alaric is supposed to arrange a meeting. We don't know why or what she wants. "Stefan said.
Damon is still looking at me.
You don't have to see her if you don't want to. "He told me.

Stefan is confused by this sudden sensitivity, looks at Damon and then at me.

We don't really have a choice. "I said.
She's threatened to go on killing spree. "Ric told him.
Oh! I take it that's not okay with you guys. "Damon said.
I want to do it. I want to meet her. If I don't, I know I'll regret it. "Lena said. And they all look at me.
I don't want to meet her at all. But I don't have a choice so let's get it over with. "I said upset.
Damon and Me look at each other.

At the Grill 3 Hours later.

Me and Elena are sitting alone. Stefan is standing at the pool table. He's watching after us.

Can you hear me? Thanks for coming, I'm nervous. "Elena said to Stefan.
Stefan smiles at her.
Yah Stefan really thanks. Your the greatest friend I can have. Besides damon of course. "I said and he smiled and nodded at me.

I'm happy that you're here. I love you. "Elena said to him.
Stefan moves his lips and tells her "I love you".
Isobel arrives and sits down with us.

Hello Elena, Emely. You look just like them, that's eerie. "Isobel said. I just glared at her.
You've met Katherine, and Janet? "Elena asked.
They found me after I turned. Genetic curiosity, I suppose. They would be fascinated by you. "Isobel said.
But Katherine would love to meet you Emely. You might not be her doppelganger but she would love you. "Isobel said to me. I just stayed quiet.
Elena looks at Isobel's necklace.

Is that how you can walk in the day? "Elena asked.
Katherine helped me obtain it. "She said.
Who's our father? "Elena asked.
Not important. He was a teenage waste of space. "She said coldly.
A name would be nice. "Elena said.
It would, wouldn't it? You ask a lot of questions. While Emely here is just being quiet. "She said.

Why did you compel that man to kill himself? Right after he told me to stop looking for you. "Elena asked.
Dramatic impact. I wish it would have been more effective. "Isobel said. I scoffed.
Human life means that little to you? "Elena asked.
Means nothing to me. It's just part of being what I am. "She said.
No it's not. I know other vampires, that's not true. "Elena said.
Your new boyfriend over there by the pool table? Stefan Salvatore. Why Stefan? Why didn't you go for Damon? Or is it because he already chose Emely? He's not going to be happy that she is going to go out with someone else. "She said. I was confused but also shocked on how she knew and Elena is shocked by the question. Stefan looks kind of uncomfortable.

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