Children Of The Damned 1-1

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I straightened my hair today. I thought I would give it a shot and see how much me and lena look alike.

So I sent downstairs and I seedamon slicing a tomato and talking to Jenna, who is sitting on a counter with a glass of wine in hand

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So I sent downstairs and I see
damon slicing a tomato and talking to Jenna, who is sitting on a counter with a glass of wine in hand.

My father never approved of anyone I dated, which only made me want them more. Of course. What about you? "Damon said/asked
There were a few guys. Logan isn't the only loser I've dated. "Jenna said and i snickered
And jenna turned around i just smiled.
They ever find him? Or is he still missing? "Damon asked
He's not missing. He's in the Bahamas working on his tan. Very entitled, that one. Marches to his own drum. "Jenna said
She drains the remainder of her wine.
He's a Fell. They're all snooty. "Jenna said
Damon chuckles and walks over to Jenna, pouring more wine into her glass. She raises her glass to him and Damon turns back around to continue cooking.
I try to take Jenna's Glass of whine. But she swats my hands away and I pout.

Hello, Elena. "Damon said
Me and Jenna turns around right when Lena enters the kitchen. She is shocked to see Damon there.

Hey. Where have you been? We're cooking dinner. "Jenna said
Is Stefan with you? "Damon asked
Um - he'll be here soon. "Lena said nervous and I raised my eyebrow at her and she shook her head.
Lena leans against the counter which Jenna is sitting on and watches Damon with distaste.

1 Hour Later

Damon places something at the dinner table and heads back to the kitchen. Lena is carrying plates towards the table and Damon deliberately bumps into her. I'm just sitting on the counter watching how this plays out.
Whoa. Mmm. "Damon said
Lena smiles in an annoyed way and shakes her head as she continues on past Damon to place the plates at the table.

Don't do that. "Lena said
Do what? "Damon said
You know what. That move was deliberate. "Lena said
Well, yeah, I was deliberately trying to get to the sink. "Damon said
Lena looks back at Damon and scoffs. Damon, now at the stove, stirs a boiling pot of water.

Speaking of Stefan, where is he? He's missing family night, which I am enjoying immensely. "Damon said
Lena walks back into the kitchen to gather more dinnerware. Damon pauses briefly before changing the topic.

Is it real? "Damon asked
I was confused so I looked at lena.

Is it real? "Damon asked I was confused so I looked at lena

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Is what real? "Lena asked
This renewed sense of brotherhood. "He said as he takes the spoon out of the pot and tastes the sauce
Can I trust him? "Damon asked her.
I smiled i wanted see how she handles this.
Yes, you can trust him. "She said boldly at him
Lena walks back to the table to place the napkins. Damon vamp-speeds over to her. Elena turns around and looks up at him.

Can I trust him? "Damon asked again
I'm wearing vervain, Damon. It's not going to work. "Lena said
Why would she bring that up. That was so obvious.
I'm not compelling you. I just want you to answer me. Honestly. "He said
Of course you can. "Lena said nervously
Wow Lena your a horrible liar.
Lena moves around Damon and back into the kitchen.

2 hours later

There was a time when I trusted him more than anyone. "Damon said to lena
Trust breeds trust. You have to give it to get it. "Lena said i rolled my eyes
Are you lecturing me? "Damon asked amused
Do you need to be lectured? "Lena asked placing a hand on her hips. I got off the counter and stand in front of her.
She looked confused so i put her arm off her hip. Because she never does that. And she scoffed at me i just shrugged. And sat on the couch listening to music.

I just want her back. I'm sure you can understand that. "Damon said i can still hear them my music is not that high.
I can understand that you would do anything for her, yes. "Lena said
Lena walks past Damon and places a bowl on the table. Damon threateningly makes his next statement, close behind Lena's back. I was watching them.

Then you understand what I will do if anyone gets in my way. "Damon said threatening voice
Damon walks away, leaving Lena looking disturbed.

Awhile later, Damon and Jeremy are sitting in the family room playing a video game.

You said you never played this thing before. "Jer said to damon
I'm a fast learner. Quick reflexes. "Damon said and I snickered
Jer's phone goes off. He pauses the game and takes out his phone, but ignores the call, he tosses his phone aside and unpauses the game.

Who are you dodging? "Damon asked
This girl Anna. She can be, uh, persistent. "Jer said
Is she hot? "Damon asked
Really? "I asked him and he shrugged
Yeah, yeah, but she can be weird. "Jer said
Hot trumps weird, trust me. "Damon said
Jer smiles and laughs.

In the kitchen, Jenna and lena are talking. There not really good at whispering.

He is ridiculously hot! "Jenna said or she thought whispered
Shh! "Lena said
I see Damon smirking at Jenna's comment. I rolled my eyes.
He's an ass. "Lena said staring at damon knowing he can hear her.
Damon rolls his eyes and stops listenin in. While I'm just laughing and damon is giving me a playful glare. I just winked at him. And he rolled his eyes.

The doorbell rings.
That's Stefan. "Lena said
Damon quickly gets up from the couch and walks over to the door. And I'm right behind him. Jer watches him go, agitated. I laughed

Dude! "Jer said
Lena opens the front door, Damon right behind her. And me behind him.
Stefan looks at Damon, confused to why he's at the house, then to Elena, who shrugs. And he looks at me while I smirked and shrugged.

Well? "Damon asked

Stefan just told us that someone else took the journal. But he's hiding something I can see it in his eyes.

Who took it? "Damon asked stefan
I don't know. "Stefan said
You know what, it's that teacher. There's something really off about him. "Damon said
No, he doesn't know anything. Somebody got to it right before me. "Stefan said
Who else knew it was there? "Damon asked
Stefan looks through the window at Jer, but doesn't say anything. Damon looks at Jeremy also and begins to walk back into the house. My eyes widen.

No. Damon, leave him out of it! "Me and lena said in unsion
Why, what's the big deal? "Damon asked
Damon! "We yelled at him
Damon walks into the house, Me, lena, and Stefan right behind him. Damon sits on the arm of the sofa to speak with Jeremy.

So....I heard you found a really cool journal from back in the day. Who else did you show it to? "Damon asked
Huh? "Jer asked
Don't ask questions, just spill. "Damon said
You're kidding me, right? "Jer asked chuckling
Jer, did you tell anyone other than Mr. Saltzman about Johnathan Gilbert's journal? "I asked him
Why is everybody so obsessed with that thing? "He asked
Who else did you tell? "Lena asked
Just that girl Anna. "Jer answered
The hot, weird one? "Damon asked
Yeah. "Jer said
Wait, who is Anna? "Stefan asked
That's what I want to find out. "Damon said
Lena's phone starts ringing. Lena goes off to answer it, leaving Damon to question Jer.

How do you know her? "I asked him
I just know her. She wants me to meet her at the Grill tonight. "Jer said
Perfect. I'll drive. Come on. "Damon said
O-Okay. "Jer said nervously

Jer gets up from the couch and follows Damon out of the house.
Before damon stepped out of the house.
Wait damon take Em with you. "Stefan said which confused damon.
Why. "Damon asked Stefan was about answer.
Yah why Stefan. "I said sarcastically and he looked at me.
I just smirked and his eyes widen he figured out I knew.
Nevermind she ... - i cut Stefan off before he can finish.
No its ok I'll go. Let's go Damon. "I said and he nodded we all got in the car and went.

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