162 Candles 1-2

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Im on the couch.
Lena opens the door to find Stefan on the porch.

Hey. "Stefan said im just sitting there listening to them. I turned my head.
What are you doing here? "Lena asked
Lexi said that You and Em came by and you seemed upset. "Stefan said
Right. The girl in the towel. "Lena said and i snickered

The towel?...Oh no no no no not like that, she's not exactly a girl--Lexi's just 350 years old. "Stefan said i smiled
You mean she's a... "Lena askd surprised
And she's my oldest friend.Nothing romantic. Ever. "Stefan said
Oh, okay, well....she kept staring at me and em. It was weird. "Lena said
Yeah well I've talk about you a lot so...I guess she felt like she knew you.So why'd you come by? "Stefan said/asked
I-uh...it was a mistake. "Lena said
Ok sure. "I mumbled under my breathe
Elena talk to me. "Stefan said
I can't. Stefan I can't, and that's the problem. I'm keeping all these secrets from everyone. I can't even tell my best friend. Do you know how hard that is? It's like I need to talk to someone but the only person I can talk to is you....and... "She said

Hey what am i a potato. "I said stefan laughed and lena raised her eyebrow
And em too. "She said i smiled
I want you to know that I will always be here for you. You can come to me about anything okay? "Stefan said/asked
Well, thank you for coming by. "Lena said
Hey, do you need a ride to the grill tonight? "Stefan asked
Are you going to Caroline's party? "Lena asked
Lexi's dragging me and...it's my birthday. "Stefan said and my eyes widened
Woah hold up. "I said goung over the couch just to fall on the floor. Lena was laughing and stean chuckled.
I really need to stop doing that.
"I said standing up
Really? Wow-um, happy birthday then. "Lena said
Thank you. "Stefan said
Actually I—I think I'm gonna stay in tonight. "Lena said
Buzzkill. "I mumbled
Well have a...have a good night. "Stefan said about to leave.
Wait. "I said and he stopped
How old are you really. "I whispered
162. "He said
Wow your old. "I said laughing and he just smiled.

I got ready and headed to the grill. I walked in and saw stefan.

Hey Birthday guy how's it going? "I asked with a smile he turned around
Its good. "He said
Me and Lexi are dancing but Stefan isn't.

Okay, Were're gonna need a little more foot movement. "I said to Stefan
Yeah, not really interested in making a fool out of myself. "Stefan said
Come on, you're not that bad. "Lexi said
Do me a favor. Tell me if you see Damon with his camera phone. "Stefan said
Right. "I said laughing
We started playing pool
Stefan makes a good move.

Woo! "Stefan yelled
Nice! "Me and Lexi say in unsion
Without us knowing
Elena arrives and sees Stefan having a great time with Em and Lexi. Damon comes up behind her.
Lena's POV

Stefan smiles. Alert the media. "Damon said to me
You haven't given him a lot of reasons to be happy lately. "I said back
Oh, you're right. Poor Stefan persecuted throughout eternity by his depraved brother; does it get tiring being so righteous? "Damon said
It flares up in the presence of psychopaths. "I said
Ouch! Well, consider this psychopath's feelings get hurt. "Damon saoid mocking hurt

What did you do to my brother? "I asked seriously
I'm gonna need a less vague question. "Damon said annoyed
When you did what you did to Jeremy's memory of Vicki, what else did you do to him? "I asked

You asked me to take away his memory of fangs and all the bad stuff. You wanted me to take away his suffering. "Damon said to me seriously
But he's acting different. He seems okay with everything and a little too okay. I mean he's studying; he's not doing drugs; he's not drinking; are you sure you didn't do something else? "I asked worried
Elena, I took away the suffering. "Damon said and walked away

Emely's POV

I was having fun until I see Sheriff Forbes inject Lexi with a needle.I see Stefan and give him a look.
Stefan sees what's happening.

Oh my god! "I heard Stefan say
What is it? "Lena asks I walk with Stefan and try to leave the Grill.

Excuse me, sorry. "Stefan says
Can't go out this way. "The Officer said
I find a way out and see
Outside, the officers and Sheriff are taking Lexi to the police car when she throws the officers off. Sheriff Forbes shoots her with wooden bullets, but Lexi is too strong. I was about to go up to them until.
Out of nowhere, Damon appears and stakes her. Stefan sees and pulls Me and Lena out of sight from the scene.
  Oh my god! "Stefan says in shock
While I just have tears rolling down my face. I look at Stefan and see a heartbroken face.

 I look at Stefan and see a heartbroken face

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I can't believe he killed her. His brother's best friend.
Outside, Stefan is walking away in anger and horror. Me and Lena follow him.

Stefan! Stefan! "I yelled
He killed her! He killed Zach; he killed Tanner; he turned Vicki; I have to kill him! "Stefan yells in anger
No, you can't do that! "I said trying to reason with him

Why are you trying to save him?! Emely he's never gonna change! Don't you see that?! He's never gonna change! You killed Vicki because of him!! "He yelled
I'm not trying to save him, I'm trying to save you! You have no idea what this will do to you, please Stefan. "I said while lena is watching with tears in her eyes
Everywhere I've been, pain and death follow; Damon follows me. No more. "Stefan saisd
Stefan please. Please just-just talk to me; Let me be here for you. Talk to me. "Lena said finally speaking up
No. You were right to stay away from me. "Stefan said and leaves.

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