162 Candles 1-1

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Sheriff Forbes is questioning Me, Lena, Stefan, Matt and Jer over Vicki's disappearance.

Where did Vicki say she was going? "Sheriff Forbes asksed

She didn't. "Jeremy answered

Did she tell her brother where she was going? "Sheriff asked

No she didn't say anything to me. She told Jeremy to tell me that she was leaving town. "Matt answered
Is there anyone I can talk to that may know what happened to her prior to her leaving town? "Sheriff Forbes asked
Stefan Salvatore may know. He came by the house to see her but she wouldn't talk to him. "Matt said
What was he doing there? "Sheriff Forbes asked
I was trying to help her, I knew that Elena and Emely were worried about there brother, he was dating Vicki and she had a drug problems, so I tried to help. "Stefan said
So you got involved because Elena and Emely asked you to?" Sheriff Forbes asked
We asked Stefan to help. We thought that, by helping Vicki, he was helping our brother. "I said with a blank face
What was her behavior like those last few days before she left? "Sheriff Forbes asked
Up and down, very sketchy, like she was coming down from some major partying. "Matt said

Any signs of aggression or violence? "Sheriff Forbes asked
None that I remember. "Jeremy said
No. "Stefan said
No. "Elena said
No. "I said
So you believe Vicki really has left town? "Sheriff Forbes askes
Yes. "Matt said
Yes. "Stefan said
Yes. "Elena said
Yes i do. "I said
I'll miss her but....I think it's for the best."Jeremy said
Stefan is waiting in front of the sheriff's office for Me and Lena. Matt exits the building and walks past Stefan.

I was trying to help her Matt. That's all. "Stefan said trying to make him understand
Matt leaves. Lena finally comes out.
[to Jenna and Jeremy] We'll meet you guys at the car. "Lena said
Ok. "Jenna said [leaves with Jeremy]
You guys okay? "Stefan asked us

I don't think the Sheriff suspected anything. Jeremy had no memory at all. All he knew was what Damon made him know. "I said
Thank you. "Stefan said to Lena
I can't do this Stefan. Every time I look at Matt or Jeremy, all I think is that Vicki is never gonna come back. And they'll never know why. Around you people get hurt and people die. I can't I just...it's just too much.... "Lena said which made stefan sad

Why don't we go somewhere and talk about it. "He tried to reason No, Stefan you have to stay away from us. "Lena said he had a very sad expression she tried pulling my arm. But I snatched it away from her.
Go i'll meet you in the car. "I said to her and she nodded
I walked up to Stefan and he looked up.
Look give lena se time she just has to process it. "I said and he smiled
Thanks Em. "He said
No problem. "I said with a smile I waved at him and he waved back I got in the car and jenna started driving.

Me and lena are sitting on the couch. Jenna comes and sits next to her. Jeremy is writing something behind us.

You're wallowing. "I said to lena So is jenna. "Lena said
My wallow is legitimate. I was dumped. "Jenna said
Yeah. Well Logan's a jerk. "I said
You didn't get a brush-off e-mail say: "I'm leaving town. See ya." "Jenna said
Wanna keep it down over there? "Jer said
Why? What are you doing? "Jenna asked
Homework. "Jer said
Since when do you do homework? "I asked in confusion
I gotta finish this. I'm way behind and I have a quiz tomorrow so... "Jer said
Me,lena and Jenna share surprised glances.

What do you think? Alien? "I asked
Some sort of replicant. "Jenna said
He can hear you. "Jer said

In Lena's room

Bonnie enters Elena's room. Elena is lying down in her bed. And I'm lying down next to her.

You up? "Bon asked
No. "Lena said I roll my eyes
Bonnie walks over and tries to pull the covers off Elena's head No, no! "Lena whined

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