Bloodlines 1-1

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I was driving lena's car and see a man in the middle of the road. I slam on the brakes but i hit the man. The car rolls over and over. And were stuck in the seats. The man somehow recovers and starts walking towards the car.

Me and lena scream. The man runs away. A second later, Damon appears.

Ah! "I screamed
How ya doing in there? "Damon asked
Damon? "Me and lena asked in unsion
You guys look stuck. "He said
It's our seat belt. We can't get it. "I said with tears on my face

Shh Shh Shh. Let me get you guys out of there. I want you to put your hands on the roof. Just like that. You ready? 1, 2, 3. "He said I did it then
Damon ejects my seat belt.
I got you. "He said
Get elena. "I said
And he nodded he brought her near me.
She already passed out.
Damon picks me up.
Are you okay? Can you stand? Is anything broken? "He asked
Uh-uh. "I could hardly talk
Damon puts me down but i can barely stand. Damon catches me before i fall to the ground.

Whoa, you're fading fast, Emely. Emely, look at me. "Damon said
He grabs my face.
Focus. Look at me. Okay. "Damon said
Why do I look like her? "I asked and i blacked out

Damon's POV

What? "I asked

Emely faints. I grab her and slowly put her on the ground. I brush her face with my hand.

Upsy-daisy. "I said
I pick her up and carry her away.

Emely's POV

I woke up and found myself in a car.

Morning. "Damon said
Where are we? "I asked
Georgia. "Damon said my eyes widened
Georgia? No, no. No, we're not. Seriously, Damon. Where are we? "I asked
Where's elena? Oh my god. Is she ok? Where is she Damon? "I asked all at once
Seriously, we're...we're in Georgia. She's fine. I sent her home. "He said and i calmed down.
How ya feeling? "He asked me looking worried
I...I... "I said
There's no broken bones. I checked. "He said
But Elena's car...there was a man...I hit a man. But then he got up, and...who was that? "I asked
That's what I would like to know. "Damon said
Where is my phone? OK. We really need to go back. Nobody knows where I am. Pull over. I mean it, Damon. Pull over! Stop the car! Lena is going to scream at me. Pull over. "I said seriously.
Oh come on i thought you were the fun one. "Damon said to me I rolled my eyes
Damon pulls over. I get out of the car, i limps weakly and Damon used his vamp speed and sped over to help me.
Hey. "Damon said crouching down by me for support

I'm fine. We have to go back. "I said looking at him
Oh come on. Look. We've already come this far... "Damon started

Why are you doing this? I can't be in Georgia. I wrecked lena's car. I have to go home. This is kidnapping. "I said
That's a little melodramatic, don't you think? "He said
You're not funny. You can't do this. I'm not going to Georgia. "I said that made no sense at all

Well, you're IN Georgia. "He said.
Can I trust you? "I asked
Get in the car. Come on. "He said

In Damon's car.

So, where's lena's car? "I asked
I pulled it off to the side of the road. I don't think anyone will bother it. "Damon said
What about that man in the road? Was he a...? "I asked
From what I could tell, yeah... "He said
You didn't know him? "I asked confused
If I've never met him, I wouldn't know him. I mean, it's not like we all hang out together at the Vamp Bar & Grill. "Damon said sarcastically I just rolled my eyes.

Bree's Bar

Damon pulls up in front of a bar named "Bree's Bar".

Where are we? You brought me to a bar? Damon, I'm not old enough. They're not going to let me in. "I said
Sure they will. "He said

We get out of the car and enter the bar.

No. No, it can't be. Damon. My honey pie. "A lady said
The lady grabs Damon's face and kisses him. I just raised my eyebrow.

Listen up everybody! Here's to the man that broke my heart, crushed my soul, destroyed my life, and ruined any and all chances of happiness! "The lady said
She pours shots for everyone. Drink up! "She shouted

Damon and the lady shoot their alcohol.
Ahh. Whoo! "She yelled
So, how'd he rope you in? "She asked me and pours me a shot. I'm not roped in. "I said
Honey, if you're not roped, you're whipped. Either way, just enjoy the ride. "She said and smiles while pouring more alcohol. Okay. So, how did you two meet? "I asked curious
College. "Bree said
You went to college? "I asked shocked
I've been on a college campus, yes. "He said smiling
Figures. "I said
About twenty years ago, when I was a sweet, young freshman, I met this beautiful man, and I fell in love. And then he told me about his little secret, made me love him more. Because, you see, I had a little secret of my own that I was dying to share with somebody. "Bree said
She's a witch. "Damon said whispering to me
Changed my world, you know. "Bree said
I rocked your world. "Damon said smirking at Bree
He is good in the sack, isn't he? But mostly he's just a Walk-Away Joe. "Bree said to me
So, what is it that you want? "She asked Damon

I'm out by Damon's car. And im calling Jenna.

Hi, Jenna. I'm so sorry. "I said
Where are you? Why didn't you call? "Jenna asked worried
I was so tired last night. I fell asleep at Bonnie's. And then this morning, I just wanted to get to school. "I said
Are you okay? "She asked
You know, lena and stuff. "I said

I'm still outside. My phone rings. And I answer it.

Emely, is that you? "Stefan asked
I'm here. "I said
Where are you? "He asked
Why didn't you tell me. "I said
I didn't know how. "He said
So, were you ever going to tell me? "I asked all i heard was silence.
Just tell me where you are, so that I can come get you. Elena is worried. "He said
How am I connected Janet, Stefan? How is Elena connected to katherine? "I asked
I honestly don't know. "He said
And I'm supposed to believe that? "I said
It's the truth. I-- Listen... "He said
I hung up on him. I turn around; Damon is behind me.

You okay? "Damon asked me
Don't pretend to care. You could have told me. But you chose not too. "I said
Me and Damon are eating.

Let's just say that lena is descended from Katherine...does that make her part vampire? "I asked
Vampires can't procreate. "Damon said and eats a fry
But we love to try. "He said and smirks
No, if she were related, it would mean Katherine had a child before she was turned. "He said
Did Stefan think that he could replace her? "I asked
Kinda creepy if you ask me. "He said
Come on, what? You don't like pickles? What's wrong with you? "He said taking my pickles i grab one back and put it in my mouth.
As a matter of fact i love pickles.
"I said and ate the pickle.

How can you even eat? If technically you're supposed to be

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How can you even eat? If technically you're supposed to be... "I started
Dead? "He whispered
And laughs
It's not such a bad word. As long as I keep a healthy diet of blood in my system, my body functions pretty normally. "He said
Bree interrupts us.

Here you go. "Bree hands Damon a beer.
Thank you. "He said
I'll have one too. "I said
Hmm? "Damon asked surprised
Time out, remember? For five minutes? Well i got to have fun right? "I said smiling
There you go. "Bree said smiling and gives me a beer.
Well here goes nothing.

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