Blood Brothers

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Me, Lena and Damon are in the cellar. Lena is watching Stefan.

It's so hard to see him locked up like this. "Lena said
You're the one who locked him up. "I told her.
You both helped. "She shot back. I just sighed.
We couldn't have him running around chewing on people. While the town was looking for vampires, now, could we? "Damom said i just rolled my eyes.
It had nothing to do with you actually caring about him? "I asked him.
Your're thing, not mine. "He said.
Damon looks at the object which Pearl gave him.

Did you ever figure out what that is? "I asked him.
Nope. Whatever it is, it doesn't work. "He said
Pearl didn't say anything else about it? "Lena asked him.
She thought she was stealing his vampire compass, but that was a pocket watch. That Johnathan Gilbert was a crazy scientist. Have you spoken to your uncle lately? "He aske us.
We've been avoiding him, actually. That, and We've been here most nights. "I told him.
So, you'll both here again tonight? "Damon asked us.
Is that a problem? "I asked him.
Yes. You're a complete nuisance. "He told me playfully.
Heh. See you later. "Lena told us.

1 Hour later

Me and lena are sitting in the living room and talking to Damon.

He's just being dramatic. He's not gonna starve himself. "Damon said.
Lena told us what stefan said.
Why would he say that? "Lena asked worried.
He feels bad about hurting that girl. And for almost choking Emely to death. It's a very typical Stefan martyr stuff. It will pass. "Damon said sure.
Will it? Because he seemed to be in a lot of pain. "Lena said sounding unconvinced.
Yeah. Well, that will pass, too, once he eats. "He said
She didn't mean physical pain. "I told him.
I know what she meant. "He started.
Look, are you gonna be okay here if we have to run out? We have to go to an errand with the teacher. "Damon said.
We? "I asked at the same time lena asked.
"The teacher?"
Alaric? Are you three friends now? "Lena asked.
We don't have any friends, Elena. "Damon said.
Hey speak for yourself. "I told him. He just rolled his eyes.
Right. "Lena said ignoring me.
You should, um, you should stay up here. "Damon said
You shouldn't be down there by yourself. "I told her.
I'll be fine. "Lena told us.

You know...You're very trusting of him, given the circumstances. "Damon said.
So are you. Otherwise, you wouldn't be leaving. And taking Emely with you. "She said.

We won't be long. "Damon said dragging me by the arm.
Whahh. Wait why am I going. "I asked.
Because your my partner in crime. "He said I raised my eyebrow at him.

1 Hour Later

Me, Damon and Ric are at the apartment.

This is the one here. The records show is was paid 3 months in advance. "Ric said
This is where it gets tricky. I may or may not be able to get in. "Damon said.

Yeah, how does that work? You always have to be invited in? "Ric asked.
By the owner or the person of entitlement. Short-term rentals and hotels are a bit of a gray area. You kind of gotta play it by ear. "Damon said
Heh. Could we not kill anyone tonight, please? "Ric said I just snickered.
That's not going to happen. "I said smiling.

You mean, you just brought me along for my company? "Damon asked.
Damon opens the door.

It doesn't look like anyone's home. "I said looking around.
Yeah. I'm good. No permanent resident, apparently. "Damon said inside already.
Damon opens the fridge.

Uh, Ric, Emely we have company.
"Damon said
A man jumps on Ric. Ric stabs him with wood knuckles. The man attacks again. Damon throws him off of Ric.
I'm just sitting on the counter waiting for them to finish.
Boys, boys, that's enough. I know you. "Damon said while i was looking at my nails.
Damon? "The man asked. Which caused me to look up.
Your name is Henry. You were in the tomb. "Damon said.
Yes, sir. What are you doing here? "Henry asked.

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