Chapter One

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Posted by: littleprince216
11:26 PM 05/08/16

The bitterness when people say the word is astounding.
Like nothing could be more disgusting. It's funny, isn't it, that people talk about rape more lightly than they talk about being gay. That the act of forcing yourself on someone is overlooked but men loving other men is absolutely preposterous.

I haven't posted on here in a couple months. I don't have much gossip or rumors to spread, and that's what this site is all about. was a site created specifically for school gossip. But sometimes I need to get things off my chest. Everyone on here is cloaked with anonymity, so I have nothing to worry about. That's why I post on here. Because I can say whatever my fragile heart desires and no one can do anything about it. Usually, my submissions get lost in thousands of rumors and drama, so it surprises me when I get a reply.

Posted by: starsonfire97
11:31 PM 05/08/16

@Littleprince216 I cannot express how much I love this post. You're absolutely right.

I lean back in my desk chair, smiling. No one ever really notices my existence on this site, no matter what I say.

Posted by: littleprince216
11:33 PM 05/08/16

@Starsonfire97 Thank you :) I didn't think anyone would notice

I bite my lip and pull my legs to my chest, spinning back and forth on the chair. I wonder who they are. Starsonfire97. Our school is pretty big, and I hang out with about three people total. I don't think I would know them even if they told me their name.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
11:40 PM 05/08/16

Hi, littleprince.

Oh my god. I've never gotten a direct message on here before. I didn't even know you could message people on here. I thought this was just a site for shit posting all of the rumors you could possibly think of.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
11:41 PM 05/08/16

Hi :)

I need to go to bed soon but I'm too excited. I don't even know why. It's only a simple message. Maybe they're wondering if I'm gay or not. I'm wondering the same thing.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
11:43 PM 05/08/16

Do people make fun of you at school? For being gay?

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
11:44 PM 05/08/16

No, not exactly. I'm not quite out of the closet. But I hear people talking about it as if it were an insult.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
11:44 PM 05/08/16

Me too. It's hard to come out when all you hear is people talking shit about it.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
11:45 05/08/16

Exactly. And I don't know how my friends would feel. Or my dad for that matter.

It's a Sunday night. I have school tomorrow. I need to get to sleep, but it's really nice to have someone to talk to about this. I've been holding this all in since I was 16. It's a relief to get it off my chest.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
11:46 PM 05/08/16

I know my sisters would be okay with it. My father, however. I'm sure he would have a fit. Tell me how it's wrong and that I'm ruining the family name. He might even kick me out, to be quite honest. He's a very strict man. It's been a pain to grow up with.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
11:48 PM 05/08/16

I get that. My dad and I have never really discussed that sort of thing. We don't really have a family name to begin with, so I'm sure that wouldn't be an issue.

Sorry to be so forward but may I ask who you are? I mean, I relate to you more than anyone in my life, and if it isn't a problem I'd like to know who I'm talking to.

My hands are actually shaking as I hit send. I've just met this person and I don't want to lose them. It's too nice to get all of this out of my head.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
11:50 PM 05/08/16

Well, littleprince, isn't the anonymity rather exciting? Plus, I'm not quite sure you'd like me in person. I kind of like having this. There's no obligation or expectation. And either of us can say anything we want without fear of other people knowing. Maybe I'll tell you eventually. I'm 18, male, completely gay, and for you, my dear prince, my name is Ty.

My face is hot, I can feel it. My dear prince. I can't believe I just met this guy and he's already making me blush. He's in my grade. And male. And gay. Completely gay. I can't believe this is happening. I need a secret identity, but all that's coming to my head is Simon. I can't tell him my name. He's right, the invisibility is thrilling. I can't ruin it.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
11:53 PM 05/08/16

Ty. I like it. You can call me... Oli. I'm 18, male, and also completely gay. If we're going to have secret identities, I guess we shouldn't really talk about our school lives, should we? I don't want to make you uncomfortable, so please tell me if I ever go too far or ask too much.

I need to be careful. I not only don't want to ruin what's just been started, but I don't want to give myself away. I think about what he said. I'm not quite sure you'd like me in person. I don't think he would like me either. I mean, I'm nothing special. I'm not popular, my looks are average and I'm extremely awkward. I have a hard time with words.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
11:56 PM 05/08/16

Well, we can always talk about ourselves. What we enjoy and our hobbies etc. I'm not sure you could make me uncomfortable, Oli. You seem to be as innocent as they come.

Oh my god. He's so good at this. I'm just as awkward onscreen as I am off.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
11:57 PM 05/08/16

Innocent? What makes you say that?

I am I being flirty enough? Am I just proving more and more that I am an inexperienced 18-year-old?

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
11:58 05/08/16

Well, Oli, it's a gut instinct, I suppose. The way you write gives off this innocent vibe. Like you've never had a wrong thought in your life.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
11:59 PM 05/08/16

Well, I'm sorry to say that you're wrong. About the last part, at least. I suppose I am quite innocent. I haven't really done anything. With anyone.

And it feels weird to tell you this.

I don't want you to get the wrong impression.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
12:01 PM 05/09/16

Oh? So, Oli, what impure thoughts keep you awake at night?

Jesus Christ. Does he really think I'll tell him that?

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
12:02 PM 05/09/16

Aren't you a flirt?

I have to go to bed. It's late. We have school tomorrow.

Will you be there?

Ignore that, actually. I want to keep it secret.

Goodnight, Ty.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
12:06 PM 05/09/16

Goodnight, prince Oli.

I don't know why I thought I could go to sleep. This night has been too exciting for even a wink.

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