Chapter Nine

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I practically run home after school to get to Ty. My chest is heaving once I reach my laptop and when I log on, I'm disappointed to see no messages.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
3:26 PM 05/11/16

Ty? Are you there?

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:28 PM 05/11/16

I'm here.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
3:29 PM 05/11/16

Did you have a good day?

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:30 PM 05/11/16

It was good. I have a question.

Fuck. My stomach flips and I hesitate to respond. This can't be good.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
3:30 PM 05/11/16


Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:31 PM 05/11/16

What are your favourite Twenty One Pilots songs?

I beam and let out a soft sigh, relieved at such a simple and non-threatening question. Bloody hell. He scared the shit out of me.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
3:32 PM 05/11/16

Kitchen Sink, Truce, and Be Concerned are my top three. I like them a lot. Why do you ask?

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:32 PM 05/11/16


Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:32 PM 05/11/16

Shit Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
3:33PM 05/11/16

What???? Are you okay?? What happened?

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:33 PM 05/11/16

I know who you are.

My heart almost stops beating. Those are words I wasn't expecting to see today. Or anytime soon. I don't know what to say.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
3:34 PM 05/11/16


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