Chapter Three

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Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:33 PM 05/09/16

Hi, Oli. Did you have a good day?

He's already messaged me. School's been out for 45 minutes, which means he probably messaged me almost as soon as he got home. Oh my god.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
3:34 PM 05/09/16

Hi, Ty. My day was good. My friend gave me a scone at lunch. That was the highlight of my day. Wby? Did you have a good day?

I decide not to tell him about Baz. I don't want to give myself away.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire216
To: littleprince216
3:36 PM 05/09/16

It was great. I talked to a cute boy. I had some lemonade from Starbucks, too. The only thing it was missing was you, sweet boy.

Holy mother of god this boy will be the death of me.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: strasonfire97
3:37 PM 05/09/16

I wish I could have texted you today. I hate that this is our only way of communicating. I want to talk to you all day not just when I get home.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:38 PM 05/09/16

Me too, Oli, but I kind of like it. It's like a reward at the end of the day for making it through school. It's nice.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
3:39 PM 05/09/16

I like to think of it that way too, but it also makes me want to stay home so I can talk to you all day.

I can't believe I'm being this flirtatious. I mean, we met yesterday. But what I'm saying isn't a lie. I kind of love talking to Ty. He understands me. And he makes me flustered. I like it.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:40 PM 05/09/16

I couldn't even begin to imagine having your company for an entire day, sweet boy. I wouldn't even know what to do with myself.

Oh my god, he really is adorable.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: startsonfire97
3:41 PM 05/09/16

Oh, please. I'm not as interesting as you make me seem.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:42 PM 05/09/16

I doubt that very much. Why don't you tell me what you like? What are your absolute favourite things? Tell me it all.

He's insane. He's absolutely mad. Completely off his nut.

Direct Message
From: littleprince216
To: starsonfire97
3:43 PM 05/09/16

I like to paint, actually. I'm not one for realistic paintings but I like the feel of the brush on the canvas, the way it flows. And the feeling of painting on myself is so comforting. The paint is always smooth and cold and that relaxes me, I guess. I don't know, I just love it. It's one of my favourite things in the world.

I don't know why I'm being so open. Perhaps it's because it's completely anonymous. Because I won't be embarrassed or hurt because neither of us knows who the other is. Because I can say how I really feel and have no judgment.

Direct Message
From: starsonfire97
To: littleprince216
3:44 PM 05/09/16

My lord, you're absolutely adorable, aren't you? I'm glad that you have something like that, something that keeps you calm. I play the violin, to calm me down. I like to lose myself in the music. That's what relaxes me.

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