Chapter Nineteen

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The paint is cold against my wrist. I watch as he lets the brush kiss my skin with a pale orange. He glances up at me and smiles.

"Close your eyes."

I let them fall shut and focus on his fingers around my arm and the paint on my skin.

"Hold on," He whispers. The brush leaves my skin and I hear it clink against the side of the water bottle. He gets up from the bed.

"Eyes closed, baby boy."

I chew on my lip, listening to the rustling of him looking through the bag. It's silent for a moment and then music fills my ears. Truce by Twenty One Pilots begins to play. The bed sinks in front of me. I smile.

A kiss is pressed to the corner of my eye, the tip of my nose, and the very edge of my lips. Fuck.

Now the night is coming to an end.

The brush is back against my skin. I keep my eyes closed. The music swells in my chest and I feel tears prick my eyes. I am so happy.

A few minutes pass and the songs flow together. All songs I love.

The brush leaves my arm and I feel a cool breath of air hit the wet paint.

"All done? Can I open my eyes?" I'm giddy with excitement and joy.

"Not yet," He whispers. He continues to blow gently on the paint. And then he stops.

The bed shifts. His fingers brush my cheek, slip down my neck, and into my hair. My heart beats fast. I feel his warm breath against my face. It's shaky. His lips ghost over my and he pulls my face forward, pressing them together. He presses his hand against my chest and I let myself fall on the bed.

His nose bumps mine, our teeth crash together and our limbs get tangled in one another. It is simply a perfectly imperfect kiss.

When he pulls away from me he smiles. His grey eyes are glowing with the light of sun peeking through my curtains and his skin is honey. I lift my arm up and look at the art.

My wrist has an entire universe on it. Stars and planets and moons riddle my skin, standing out in the black background. I don't think I've ever seen something so beautiful on my own skin before.

I kiss him again, a big kiss. A passionate one.

He pulls away and takes a breath, presses a kiss to my neck and sits up, leaning against my headboard.

"Take your shirt off," he says, his knees bent in front of him, arm draped over them.

I raise my eyebrow, my lips curving into a smirk.

"To paint, you pervert." He takes one of my pillows and throws it at me, laughing. I do as he says, my hands tugging the shirt off my back, tossing it aside.

"On your stomach," He instructs, shuffling over to me.

"The more you speak the more this sounds like the beginning of a low budget porno."

He laughs and kneels behind me, his fingers brushing my hips. "On your stomach, sweet boy."

I lose my breath, becoming dizzy with infatuation. I lay on my front, the pillow he threw at me rest under my arms and head. His legs straddle my hips and he leans down, his lips kissing the skin of my shoulder.

"Simon," he whispers into my ear.


"I'm absolutely in love with you."

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