Chapter Four

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It's easy to get out of bed this morning. I go straight to my computer after I turn off my alarm. I send a quick good morning message to Oli and head down the hall.

"Good morning Mori," I say, ruffling her hair as I walk into the bathroom.

"Morning Baz. Will you braid my hair today?" She asks, pulling a brush through her long black hair.

"Of course, my dear," I smile, taking the brush from her fingers and running in through her hair, brushing it back into my hand. I pull chunks of her hair over one another, creating a thick braid down the center of her back.

"There you go, Mori. What do you want for breakfast?" I ask, taking a bottle off the counter and praying mousse into my hands, running it through my hair.

She smiles and swipes mascara onto her eyelashes, glancing at me in the mirror. "How about you make the eggs I make the bacon?"
She asks, standing straight and pulling her shirt down and pulling strands from her braid to frame her face.

"And the twins can help with toast." I nod, doing up the top button of my red and black flannel. Mordelia shakes her head and leans over, undoing all of the buttons, revealing my white undershirt.

"It looks better undone, and your hair-" She reaches up and deliberately messes my hair, pulling strands into my face. "Looks better messy," She tsk's.

"I'll keep it in mind," I chuckle, walking past her out of the bathroom. "I'll get started on the eggs. See you down there," The twins rush past me giggling, and I catch Eleanor before she topples over. I lift her up and smile, Victoria walking back towards me.

"Do you guys want to help me and Mori make breakfast?" I ask, lifting Victoria up as well. They eagerly nod and I walk the rest of the way down the stairs.

"Bazzy what are we having?" Norrie asks as we pass my step-mother in the dining room feeding the baby.

"I'm making eggs, Mori is making the bacon, you guys can help with the toast," I say, setting them on the counter.

"Toast, toast, toast!" They exclaim. I walk to the fridge and pull out the carton of eggs.

"Good morning Basilton. Sleep well?" My step-mother asks, walking into the kitchen with an empty bowl and a dirty spoon.

"Yes. And you, Mother?" I ask, cracking a few eggs into a bowl.

"It was okay. Beatrice was fussy." She sighs, rinsing off the dishes. I plug the toaster in and grab a loaf of bread. Mori walks into the kitchen and pulls out a pan, starting on the bacon.

"I'm sorry. I can help with Bea tonight, after school and homework. Vic don't touch the toaster. You need bread first." I say, opening the bag of bread and handing them each a piece.

"Thank you, Basil. Have a good day at school, okay?" She smiles, stopping by and kissing my temple before walking back to Beatrice.

After breakfast is made I set the table just as my father steps down the stairs. He sits at the head of the table, as always and starts to eat without a word.

"Did you sleep well, Father?" I ask, taking a bite of my eggs. I check my watch quickly and see it's 7:32. I have to leave soon.

"It was fine thank you. I want to talk to you actually. Your mother and I got together with Mr. And Mrs. Wellbelove and they told us about their daughter, Agatha. She goes to your school, yes?"

I talk another bite of egg, taking my time on chewing. "She does. May I ask why you are telling me this?" I say, trying to hide the bitterness in my tone.

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