Chapter Two

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"Have a good weekend?" Penny asks, coming up beside me as I'm rummaging through my locker.

I can't hold back my smile. "Yeah, you?"

"Happy to see me?" She chuckles. Yes, Pen, but that isn't why I'm smiling. "Mine was okay, Prem and I went shopping for Mother's day on Saturday. We ended up buying her a new leather journal. She loved it." That's right. I forgot it was Mother's day.

"That's nice. I should have gotten her something, too." I say as I zip up my bag. I slam my locker closed, then spin on my heel to face Penny.

"I'm sure she didn't notice that you didn't. I think it's better that you didn't, but it's the thought that counts, right?" She says, pulling white fluff from my hair. "Plus, she's picky."

Penny makes a beeline into the flow of students and I trail behind her, trying to keep up. She may be short but she's quick. Quicker than me.

"Science first for you, right?"

"Yes, Simon. I have science first every day. And you have English." Pen rolls her eyes and gives me a teasing smile.

"Right. Sorry. Have fun in class, Pen." I lift my arm but before I can wave at her, she grabs a hold of my hand and pulls me toward her.

"Goodness, Simon. You're always a mess." She tugs the collar of my shirt down, flattening the creases of the white shirt I have on underneath and runs her fingers through my hair, tidying it up.

"Sorry," I mutter, scrunching my nose as she ruffles my hair again.

"See you later, Simon," she says, shoving my shoulder playfully. Penny is kind of like my mom. She always makes sure I have enough to eat and makes sure I look presentable.

Maybe I should have gotten her a Mother's day gift.


The class is full today, which is odd. People usually skip English. I set my bag down beside my desk so people won't trip over it. There's still about 10 minutes until class begins so I pull out the assigned book. Romeo and Juliet.

"Did you see what was on Watford Secrets last night?" Cal whispers behind me. He's talking to Christie. They've been going out since fall of freshman year.

"Yeah, I can't believe Jim got Margret pregnant."

I stop paying attention after that because something else catches my eye. Baz Pitch walks into the classroom wearing ripped skinny jeans and a white loop neck t-shirt. His black hair is tied into a messy bun at the back of his head and a messenger bag is slung over his shoulder. Christ. I can see the curve of his collarbones. And the soft olive skin on his neck. Fucking hell. Does he want to torture me?

He catches me looking and I try to play it off, but I can feel my cheeks heat up. He tucks one of the hairs that frame his face behind his ear, a smirk on his lips as he settles down next to me. That fucker.

I keep my eyes on the book, although I'm not taking in a word. My cheeks are so hot. I can't imagine how red I look. The part of me that wants to look at him eventually wins and my eyes drift to the side and I see him leaning back in his chair. He has a foot on the edge of the desk, one toned leg draped over another. He's reading too. And he has the same smirk on his lips.

Holy Christ.

I need to snap out of it. He's hot, yes, but I can't let him know that I'm gay. The only person who knows is Ty. And I think I'm the only one who knows about him. He messaged me this morning to wish me a good day and to tell me that he wanted to talk to me again tonight. God. I can't believe I have a secret this big. A secret I'm keeping even from Penny.

"Hey," someone whispers. Class has started. God knows how long Mr. Whitaker has been droning on about literary devices. Baz is leaning across the aisle, with that smug expression still on his face. God almighty he's trying to kill me.

"Yes?" I ask, still not meeting his eyes.

"Do you perhaps have a pencil I can borrow? I seem to have left my pencil case in my locker." Another strand of hair has fallen in his face and it's undeniably sexy. I dart my eyes away, nodding.

"Here," I say, handing one to him. His fingers brush against mine and he thanks me, still smirking. Why is he always smirking?

"I hope that all of you read chapter 8 this weekend because we're going to be doing an activity with it. Mr. Pitch, is there something that needs to be said?" My face is so hot. I must look like a tomato.

"No, sir. Snow here just lent me a pencil. I was just thanking him." Baz says, a pleasant smile spreading where his smirk usually rests. Jesus, he's beautiful.

"Next time wait until I'm finished." Mr. Whitaker says, shaking his head.

"Yes, sir." Baz nods. He looks back over to me and winks.

Christ above how am I going to survive this.


"I mean come on" Penny sighs, buttering her bread. "He asked if sulfur was in sulfuric acid and I got in trouble for smacking him on the head. He needs to stop being an idiot."

"Christ, Penny. You can't just smack people for being stupid."

"Well, how else is he going to learn?" She laughs, and I shove her gently. She falls on her back, taking a bite of her buttered bread and laughing through her full mouth.

"How was English?"

"Same old," I say, and it's only a small lie. The only extraordinary thing was Baz. But Baz is always extraordinary, so maybe it isn't a lie at all.

"What book are you guys doing again?"

"Romeo and Juliet"

"Ah yes. Why not read books that are hundred or years old and completely outdated? It's not like we have politically correct and modern novels to read, right?" Penny deadpans, rolling her eyes as she pops the last bite of her bread into her mouth, rubbing her hands together.

"I know, Pen. It's stupid. But I need to pass, so there's no use arguing. Plus, it isn't too bad. Shakespeare makes a lot of dick jokes." I see Agatha across the field, her long blonde hair is flowing behind her. I'm sure if I was straight I'd be madly in love with her. She's very beautiful.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" She grins, plopping down next to me and Penny, closing the circle.

I smile at her. "Old books and idiot boys. What about you?" She pulls out a scone wrapped in plastic wrap and tosses it to me. I love my friends.

"Polynomials, for me." She sighs. Agatha hates math more than anyone I know.

"I saw you and Garret earlier today. What was that all about?" Penny smirks, her eyebrows wiggling playfully.

Agatha frowns. "It's not like that, Penny,"

"It's not, huh?" Penny purrs, elbowing Agatha as she giggles.

"Penny." Agatha snaps, her eyes darting to her hand which rested in her lap.

"Okay, okay, sorry. I was just playing. Plus, we all know Simon and you are meant to be." She says slyly, taking a bite of an apple.

"Penny," Agatha and I hiss, both of our faces red. I don't think Agatha likes me. I don't think there's anything like that between us. I don't know that she likes anyone for that matter. Agatha is just Agatha. I think that's why I like her so much.

"Sorry," Penny chuckles, her mouth full.

I take a bite of my scone and lean back against the tree. I wish WatfordSecrets wasn't blocked at school. I want to text Ty. I want to tell him about Baz and how flustered he makes me.

I want Ty to flirt with me again.

I get just as flustered by Baz as I do Ty.

Good lord. I'm going to explode.

I can't wait to talk to Ty again tonight.

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