Chapter Seventeen

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We don't say a word on the ride home. He doesn't look at me, I don't look at him.

Take Me To Church plays in the background. God, I can't wait to talk to Ty. I hope he isn't mad. I need him.

"I'm sorry," he says as he parks the car in our driveway.

" I don't care."


I get out of the car. I don't want to have this conversation. I don't want to talk to him. This is the last straw.

He sits in the car. I get my bag from the trunk. It's not easy to walk, but it's not impossible.

I slip my bag onto my shoulder, limping as I walk up the driveway. He turns the car off but doesn't get out.

My head is down as I walk up the path to my front door. I haven't seen myself yet today. I can feel a cut on my lip and one on my eyebrow. There might be a bruise on my cheek. One on my jaw.

There's movement ahead of me. At first, I think it's a squirrel but when I look up I see Baz, standing in a black button up, holding a bouquet of flowers. His hair is wavy on the sides of his face, his sleeves are rolled up and he's wearing fucking eyeliner again.

I don't say anything because I'm thinking about how bad I must look. Beaten up, wearing a baggy little prince tee and grey sweats. I couldn't look worse than I do now.

He's smiling nervously. He looks extremely cute. I step forward.

"What are you doing here?" He hands me the flowers and I bring them to my nose. They're beautiful daisies. My favourites. I blush, my cheeks feeling hot as I look back up at him. He's smiling easier now.

"I think, Prince Simon, It's time we have our first date, Don't you think?"

It's him. I can't even comprehend it. I've had a crush on this gorgeous boy since I first saw him in ninth year. My heart is going wild. I hope he can't tell how absolutely crazy he makes me.


"For Tyrannus."

His hands are shaking. I want to hold them.

"Where's your dad?" He asks, his eyes flicking behind me.

"The car. He won't bother us. I promise."

He smiles again and steps aside. I stand in front of the stairs and he slips his arm around my waist. I look up at him and he smiles warily. His hands are still shaking. I lean into him as I walk up the stairs. He eases the pain.

I open the already unlocked door and take his hand, tentatively, and pull him inside. It's needless to say that I'm embarrassed by my home. It's always a mess, no matter how much I clean, and it's reeks of beer and cigarettes.

"I'm going to change," I say, setting my bag on the ground and glancing up at him. I turn to walk away but he grabs my hand.

"No, don't. You look great. It's fitting, isn't it? Little Prince?"

I suppress a smile and look down at the floor. "I look like a slob."

"You look like a prince to me, sweet boy."

I break into a grin and cup my face in my hands. God this boy is the death of me.

"I need to get something from my car. I'll be back in a moment, okay?" He turns to walk away then looks back, biting his lip. "Oh- um- is it okay that we go to your room?"

I giggle. "Of course. I'll go tidy up."

He smiles, leaning over and pressing a kiss to my forehead.

I am so happy it's him.

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