Set Two

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Part 11

Please excuse all mistakes, Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!!!

I know y'all miss the crew do they're back!!!


Byron POV

"So Mr. King, the nurse will be in shortly to discharge you and then you're all set to go." Dr. Clark said making her way out the door.

    "Daddy, why you got that on you? Autum asked referring to the hospital gown I was still wearing.

Before I could reply the door flung open and in walks Ebony ass. She looked at me then to Smiley who was to busy breast feeding Jonas to care what was going on.

"Hey grandma! I miss you," Blake cooed wrapping his arms around her legs.

It had been a while since I last her, I didn't want anyone running back tellingg her everything that was going on with me. I mean she's my mother and I know she'd want to know, it's just I can't deal with Ebony ass when she's on ten.

"Hey my baby." She kissed his head making her to Bryce and Autum who acted as if she wasn't in the room. "Hey y'all bad ass kids."

"Ebony!" Smiley says getting her attention. "Can you not curse around them, we're trying to stop it as well, they think it's okay to cuss and it's not? Well not for them." Smiley asked bouncing Jonas on her shoulder to burp him.

My mother didn't say one word, she looked at me then back to the kids shrugging saying, "So how come no one told me you were in the hospital, this time?" She questioned looking at Smiley rolling her eyes. I shrugged as if what she asked wasn't a big deal like she had done Smiley a second ago.

I could tell she had an attitude but I couldn't understand why she when she literally just walked through the door. Her face held a mug, no hey, how are Smile and Ron no nothing. I looked at Smiley who was giving me the eye saying she was irritated and ready to snap. I shook my as to say I'll handle her, the last thing I need is for these two to be going at it in front the kids, I wasn't going to allow that to happen.

   "Ebony what the fuck is your problem coming in here with the shit?" I snapped. "My bad baby."

"What is my problem? Let me see how I can say this without cussing, my son is shot! Could have died and no thought to call his mother, the one who birthed yo' ass, the one who loves you too death Ron! And no one calls me." She ranted trying to stop herself from crying.

"Girl please!" Amber says waving her off. I wanted to laughed but I folded my lips holding it in.

I sat trying to think of the correct things to say so that she got exactly what I was saying. The reason I told everyone not to call her was because she wasn't needed, I survived, I'm fine and that's all that matter, however what I won't allow is for Ebony to speak to Amber the way she was.

"You really be with the shit man, I don't even know why you here. I'm good, I didn't call and told the others not to because I didn't need you here. My fiancé is and my kids are here with me, I'm good." I assured her throwing the covers of my body.

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