Set Two

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So far things are about to get rowdy before the wedding if there is one. Now I have a contest going for whoever wants to be known.

Are you good at writing and you want me and all my followers to know it? Send me something to read. It has to be something I can add into the next two-three chapters for the book!!! You may get to write the entire chapter on your own!! Sounds good?
Good, send it to in a message otherwise I won't read it.

Excuse My Mistakes and fuck ups.


Keenzy POV

"Keey." I looked at Jay then back at the television.

After the night we had, having to calling Bee over to handle something that could have been avoided I didn't want to speak to Jay.
      "I get that you're mad, I just don't see why you mad with me." He says as if the shit he had done was okay.
        "Don't get why I'm mad? Let's have a run down of what happen shall we?" I said smartly turning around so that he could look directly in my eyes.

Here I was trying to do a nobel thing for my husband but the thanks I got was not what one would expect.
     "First of all you come at me on some crazy shit talking about you want a threesome, cool. In your wife we've done it before sure enough but you really tried me. You actually think it's too fuck the bitch Raw, nut in her and then say if anything happens you'll take care of your responsibilities! You really fucking tried me!" I screamed getting up from the bed to slap his ass.

        "Man you don't have to put yo fucking hands on me!"
      "My nigga fuck you! I should have done more than scrap yo ass with a bullet! You're so fucking disrespectful, then you have the never to have been fucking around with this hoe!" I continued to rant.

When Jay came to me talking about a threesome I was a bit hesitant about it  although we had done it before. Being a mom now and still recovering from the incident with Mina and I, I wanted to make my husband happy but we are how that turned out.
       "Man I only fucked once and I came home and told you about that shit! You bringing up shit that happen before we were even married!" He shot back waving me off. "I don't know why fuck you still tripping anyways you handle that gangsta."

Just when I open my mouth to speak the room door comes flying open to Carter standing there struggling to hold his brother. "Hey daddy!" He makes his way inside Jay takes Jr and starts playing with him as if we weren't just having a serious talk.
     "So you just gon-"
"Yep. You know we not doing this in front of my kids so just shut up." Jackson says cutting me off.

Shaking my head, I grabbed my phone, purse and keys heading for the door. "I got up shut up." I stormed out the room heading to my car.

Jackson can be a pain in my ass with his nonchalant ass attitude and how he acts like nothing he does deserves a reaction. Who in there right mind brings home a hoe you've slept with in the past before and then "mistakenly" nut in her and plan to raise a child? Like who the fuck!

     "Hey are you busy right now I really need to talk?" I said soon as the line connected.
       "I'm not gone right now, I'm actually heading over to Bee's place to handle some shit. You wanna meet me there or in private?" She asked.
      "I needed to see you in private but I can meet you over there, this can wait." I lied rerouting myself in the polar direction.
       "You sure Keey, I could meet you."
"Naw, it's cool. I can meet you over there and we'll talk later." She agreed and ended the call.

I don't know how to feel about shit but I know this conversation between Jay and I isn't over.

Amina POV

I pulled my car into the driveway putting it in park, I hopped out went around to get the twins out before we made our way to the door. I didn't need to knock because Bee was already there waiting for us.

       "Hey my babies!" She says greeting the twins. Of course Paisley reached out for Beauty to take her like always. "Le, hey auntie fat man!"

       "Where yo fake ass sister at? She got a lot of  nerve." I went in to say while making my way inside.
      "In there feeding Jonas acting like she don't know what the fuck you talking about." Bee assured me.
We arrived to at the family room Smiley looked at me with a pleading look in her eyes. I rolled my eyes going about my way, after getting myself and the twins situated I waited for Smiley to speak.
        "So what's up Amb, I thought we was better than this?"
        "First of all I don't know what the hell you talking about, I haven't told anyone shit!" I cocked my head to the side looking to see if she's going to really sit here and lie to my face.
       "I have a recorded. You thought that bitch was your friend but he wasn't, all she was doing was using you and fucking yo man."
      "Play the recording she said its nothing I should know about, "it's not important" but I wanna know." Bee says looking at me then Smiley.

I shrugged pulling the small recorder from my purse hitting the older button. I'm pissed at the fact that Smiley opened her big ass mouth about something she promised to stay quiet about. But I it's cool, I just know from here on out she can't be trusted with my secret nor important information ever again. You have only once to cross me and that's final.

     "You just told the full story huh?" Beauty joked. Her smile turned into a frown when the subject changed to get and Maj.

   "So how long have you known Major?" Smiley asked.
    "For a while. I actually wanted to date him but he was seeing someone, maybe your sister I think I don't know." Lauren says.
     "Yea. Have y'all ever had sex or anything like that?"

The line went silent so I'm assuming Lauren was nodded her head. "No. I wish."
     "You and me both." Smiley says before they both starts to laugh. "Don't get wrong I love Ron with all my heart, he was my first but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be with other men."
         "I get that but don't try to act like you didn't just say you wish you could sleep with Justin." Lauren laughs. "That's your sisters man girl!"
        "I know that, that's why I never said nothing. I'm with Ron and I'm happy it was just a thought I had." Smiley said.
        "Only a thought?" Lauren egged on. "Bitch you can tell me I'm not gone say shit Bee don't even like me."
     "It's nothing to tell." She laughs and then the tape stops.

The room was quite the only sound to be heard was coming from the twins as they played with their toys.
    "Have you and Justin ever slept together? And please don't lie cause I have my ways of finding out the truth and we both know what's gone happen if you lie." Bee asked leaving me wanting to know the answer to that question as well.
"Just answer the fucking question Amber!" She sighed taking a deep breath.

How was that for a morning read?

Did Amber and Justin ever go there?

Keenzy Don join the killing squad now huh?

Tell me what y'all think should happen

Please excuse my mistakes and remember to VOTE and COMMENT I may update again today.

Another Surprise!!! I'm starting my very Own publishing company and I couldn't be more Excited😊
     If you're a Author and you looking to Forgive your book published hit me up, I'll see what I can do!!

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