Set One

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Pt 9

Please remember to excuse all mistakes and Don't Forget to VOTE and COMMENT

Beauty POV

"No baby wake up! Don't close your eye's" it was no use he had already blacked out.

I panic rushing to the door just in time for the ambulance that has that had pulled up, they stop right at the door hopping out.

"Ohhh My Godd Please Help My Baby!" One of the men instantly took Prince from me while the other one asked me a bunch of question.

"How long has he been unconscious?"

"No-not long, oh godd just let please tell me he's gone be fine?" I begged as rewards poured down my face.

"I'm not sure, let's get him to the hostipal and we'll figure it all out there?" The EMT in structured me.

I nodded my head getting in the front seat with the guy's help, I looked back to check on Carson who they note had hooked up to an IV and other cords for reasons I wasn't sure of yet.

Dialing Major's number only for the phone to ring and be forward to voicemail. I redialled the number over and over to get the same thing again, still nothing.

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