Set Two

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Pt 14

Sorry for the mistakes and the long ass wait I'm going to try and update the rest of this week. I'm going to try!

Now before you go on remember this dysfunctional family only gets better and crazy... Llh


Amber POV

     "So, what do you think they're doing now?" I asked Bee as she prepared breakfast for the kids.

I sat at the island breastfeeding Jonas while Lacey sat on top feeding herself grits and eggs. So far she's been a good baby so it makes things easier for me while having Jonas.

   "I don't know. Hell they been gone since last night hopefully everything is handled and over by now." She says.

In the back of my mind I can't seem to stop wondering how Ebony and my dad ended up together in the first place. I cave still thinking if he had killed her ass it of Ron and Major had get to him in time.

     "Ma, you better get yo lil girl before I slap her ass!" Bryce yells out before Autum starts screaming crying.
    "Bryce bring yo ass here, now!"

  "How you know that's Bryce, Bake lil bad ass is the one always fighting and cussin'?" Bee ask. "Trust me I know them apart, voice and all."

Autum cones running in with blood pouring from her nose and guess who's behind her, Bryce. As they've gotten older the roles have changed, Blake is more laid back and cool and Bryce is the hot head the one who has gotten out of control at just four years old.

    "Why the heck did you hit her and why the hell you cursing like you grown?!" I fussed snatching him up by his shirt so that I was close in his face.

Bee had grabbed Jonas and went to clean Autum up. Bryce mugs me rolling his eyes, before I knew it his Paw Patrol pajamas were in the floor and I was wearing his ass out. I'm not one of those parents who believes talking to your child works. Yeah I'm talk, after I pop that ass. He wiggled and squirm and wiggled around trying to get away but it wasn't working.

When my hand began to stung is when I let up, "Don't play with me lil boy! You have lost yo damn mind putting your hands on her!" His face had turned red and I'm sure his bottom matched.
      "Get you butt in the room and don't come until I say so. Goodbye." He carefully puked hid pants up and marched off.

I don't know what's gotten into him lately but I'm going for it. Lac hadn't move out of her spot, she was too busy eating her food. My phone started to ring and Mina's face popped up. I slid the accept key and before I could speak she starts going off.

        "Will you slow down and talk were no can understand what the hell you saying!?" I asked attitude evident. I didn't have time to deal her shit fuck I'm sure have everything to do with Juice, when I have shit of my own going on. Worrying about Ron, tending to five kids all under five.

       "I said you a fraudulent ass bitch! You was never gon tell me it was you that opened your mouth to Lauren about what happen with Jessie, were you?" I froze in my spot swilling the lump in my throat.

How the fuck did she find this out?
    "Amina what the hell are you talking about? I never told Lauren shit, why the fuck would I tell her yo business anyway when I know y'all didn't get alone?!" I lied sweating bullets and praying to god she believes me.
     "Amber you know me way better than this, I don't lie about shit! When I got arrested I hooked up with a guard who looked into some shit. Let's just say when Lauren's place hot cleaned out she left a lot of shit behind, shit you told her Smiley!"  Mina barked.

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