Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 (Chloe's pov)

I watch as the 2 identical boys that look somewhat like Alex run and dive under his covers. I look over at him to see him smirking.

"Jack and John Davila. My little brothers," Alex whispers to me.

His body makes my body look like a shrimp when we stand next to each other.

He has a delicious scent. I sniff "myself". A cinnamony aroma floats around me.

I slowly roll my eyes down "my" upper body. My eyes widen when I see "my" very defined chest, and 8-pack abs. I trace "my" finger over them.

I'm notice something on "my" abs. I am about to investigate it when Alex speaks.

"Chloe, we need to switch back soon," he says. I nod to him.

"Let's just sleep, then we can figure this all out tomorrow," I say.

He nods. I notice the tension in "his" jaw. He sighs gets into my bed.

Going through his drawers, I find a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. I slip into them.

I crawl carefully into Alex's bed with his brothers.

I close "my" eyes and listen to the sound of everyone breathing, drifting off into a peaceful, sleepless sleep.


I'm awoke by screaming.

I jump off the bed, frantically looking around.

I see Alex on "his" feet staring at the door and 2 identical boys screaming at the open door.

I rub "my" eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them. I squint at the door, light flooding into the room.

I see the silhouette of a small girl. She is leaning against the doorframe.

She steps into the room slowly and collapses.

Her short brown hair is a mess, her eyes are closed, and her outfit is torn and rumpled, as if she had gotten in a fight.

I squint at her until it clicks.

"Kat! What the hell happened to you?" I ask.

She sits up and runs a hand down her face, hiding it from us. "I-I was a-a-attacked..."

"By who?" Alex asks.

"Al-Alison and her g-gr-group..." Kat bursts into tears.

I walk over to her and scoop her up into "my" arms. I whisper soothing things in her ear, trying to calm her down.

Alex takes Kat from "my" arms and sets her gently on my bed.

"Kat, honey, I need you to calm down, ok?" Alex says, smoothing down her hair. "Can you tell me who all was apart of the attack?"

Alex leans over and flips on the light on my nightstand, illuminating Kat's face.

Big, dark blue, purple, green, and black bruises dot Kat's face and neck. Blood lies in a dried up lake from her nose to her chin. She is leaning slightly to the right, her arm protectively positioned over her ribs.

My eyes widen at the sight.

"Alison, Francine, Destiny, Stacy, and Maria. They attacked me. Near the cafeteria," Kat says, looking at us.

Alex stands. He looks at me.

"Ready to go kick some pompis?" He asks me.

I frown in confusion. Pompis? I feel like I should know this.

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